Chapter One: Innocent Mistake

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Your POV

"Well, this is the last of them."

I turn around to see my dad, Charlie, sitting two more suitcases by my bedroom door. I send him a warm smile before shaking my head.

"I could've brought them up myself, you know."

"No, don't worry about it. It's the least I can do."

We sit there in silence for a moment before Charlie let's out a sigh. He leans off the door frame and turns to walk down the stairs.

"I'll leave you to settle in, then."

That's the one thing I always liked about Charlie. He doesn't hover. I always had my own space when I was around him. Unlike when I was with my mom.

Ah, my mom. Renée. She was a good parent. That's not the reason I moved away from her. But her new husband plays minor league baseball. He travels a lot, and I know she wants to go with him but she couldn't whenever I lived with her. So that's why I moved here.

To Forks.

Two weeks before the start of junior year.

I haven't been here since I was four, and honestly, nothing around here has changed since then.

I take a look around my room and at the five bags I was going to have to unpack later.

I really am not looking forward to that.

I sit on my bed and think about something to do since I was definitely not unpacking right now.

I think about what I used to do when I came here over the summer.

Swim? No, I never go swimming alone.

Fish? Who am I kidding.

Drive around? I don't even have a car here.

Hike? Actually, that sounds kind of fun. Yeah, I'll go on a hike.

I walk over to one of my bags and dig around until I find a pair of skinny jeans. I pull them on and start digging around in another bag and pull out a, little too baggy, flannel. As I'm buttoning up the front I hear a truck door slam shut outside.

I walk over to my window to see Charlie talking to a man in a wheelchair with a boy about my age pushing him. Wait he looks really familiar. Is that...

Jacob Black?

I haven't seen him since we were kids! I have to go say hey.

I throw on a pair of hiking boots and run down the stairs. I open the front door and run a few fingers through my hair. I smile as I walk up to them.

"Oh, hey (Y/n)." Charlie says with a smile.

"Well I doubt you even remember me since it's been so long, I'm Billy Black." The man in the wheelchair stretches his hand out towards me. I shake his hand and smile at him.

"No, of course I remember you."

I look up to see Jacob smiling at me. As soon as I meet his eyes he looks away shyly.

"Hey, Jacob." I smile at him and wave a little.

"Hey (Y/n). Glad you're back in town."

Billy chuckles and shakes his head. "Just glad? This boy's been talking about you coming home nonstop since Charlie told us last week."

I feel myself blush slightly as I look up to Jake. He rolls his eyes and let's out a laugh. But I can tell he's trying to fight a blush.

"Well me and Billy are going to watch the game. Jake, why don't you show (Y/n) her welcome home gift."

Charlie takes the wheelchair handles from Jacob and starts to wheel Billy into the house. I look back up to see Jake opening up the truck's driver side door and gesturing me inside.

"Hop in."

I stand there for a moment. My eyes go wide and the corners of my lips start to turn up as I realize that this is my present.

"You're kidding!"

He smiles at me at me and shakes his head.

"When dad told me you were coming to town I figured you'd need a vehicle. So I spent the past week fixing it up for you. I know it's not the best thing ever bu-"

I cut him off by jumping up and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I love it!"

He laughs and hugs me back for a moment before pulling away.

"Hop in."

I let out a small squeal as I slide into the drivers seat. Jacob shuts the door for me and walks around to sit on the passenger side.

"Wow Jacob. I love it."

He laughs and shakes his head.

"It's the least I can do."

We sit there in a comfortable silence for a moment before I turn to him.

"So, do you want a ride when school starts?"

"Oh, actually I go to school on the reservation."

I look down and let out a small sigh.

"Oh. Right. That sucks. It would've been nice to know one person there."

Jacob just laughs and ruffles my hair.

"I could take you to the res, if you want. We have some time to kill while they watch the game."

"Oh, well, I was actually about to go on a hike before you guys stopped by."

Jacob sends me a soft smile before opening his truck door.

"I'll leave you to it then. Don't worry, I'll tell Charlie where you went. See you around, (Y/n)."

I smile back and step out of the truck.

"Thanks Jake. See ya later."

I watch Jake walk into the house as I start to walk around the back of it, following the trail I used to take when I was a kid.

I follow the twists and turns, looking at the scenery and how it's changed. I take everything in. I listen to the birds chirping and the running water of the creek nearby.

As I continue up the path I come across a split. I remember that as a kid I would always go to the left. I had never been on the one on the right. My curiosity was starting to get the best of me.

Oh, why not? Let's be a little adventurous.

I turn to the path on the right. As I walk along it the scenery doesn't really change until random boulders start to appear here and there. I continue walking and the amount of boulders continues to increase. So much so that before I realize it I'm starting to walk along the side of a cliff.

How have I never been up here before? It's so beautiful.

I walk over to the edge, expecting the drop to be 20 feet, 50 at most. As I peek my head over the edge my assumptions are dead wrong.

It's at least a hundred foot drop. Maybe 150.

I gulp slightly and go to step away from the edge but when I do I hear a slight crunch and I'm suddenly losing my balance. I feel myself starting to slip and I frantically grasp the air, trying to catch myself on something.

But it's no use.

I start sliding and crashing down the cliff. Each impact leaving my body in more pain than the last. It starts to hurt to the point that it's almost unbearable. I can taste the blood starting to pool in my mouth. Before I even make it to the bottom of the drop, darkness begins creeping in and I reluctantly start to let the unconscious take control over my body. I remember my last thought being a simple one.

If only I had a second chance.

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