Chapter Sixteen: A Small Flaw

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Your POV

"Why can't Christmas break last forever," I groan as I shut the door to Edward's Volvo.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad. I mean, how many times are we gonna get to go to high school?" Edward asks with a smirk as he throws his arm over my shoulder.

Emmett and Jasper hop out of the Jeep and walk up to us, both looking more excited than usual. Huge grins are plastered on their faces and their eyes are glowing with happiness.

"Why are you guys so-"

"Nope. No way. Not gonna happen," Edward cuts me off, removing his arm from around my shoulder.

"Oh come on big bro, that's not fair! Just this once!" Emmett begs while making a pouty face.

"Come on Ed, it's not like anything bad is going to happen," Jasper adds with an innocent smile on his lips.

"Yeah, that's what you guys said last time," Edward retorts with a hint of venom in his voice.

"Wait, what are you guys talking about?"

The boys look at me and their eyes light up even more. Edward's face contorts with fear as he quickly tries to cover his brothers' mouths. Before he can even blink, his mouth is being clamped shut by Emmett, who is grinning from ear to ear.

"We want to throw another party!" Emmett shouts, bubbling over with excitement.

"This shindig will be one for the books," Jasper adds.

Another party? Don't they remember what happened last time? I turned sadistic and could've sucked the blood out of forty high school boys. Is it really safe to have a party right now? Sure, it would be fun. But I'm honestly not sure if it's really such a good idea.

"Exactly, that's why we shouldn't do it," Edward says, responding to my thoughts.

"Oh, I just thought it wasn't a good idea. Not that I didn't want to do it. After all, how many times are we gonna get to go to high school?" I shoot him a smirk and turn to the other two boys. "I'm in."

A groan leaves Edward's mouth as we walk towards the school. The other two boys begin inviting everyone we pass in the parking lot.

We walk into the building and begin what turns into a very long day.


The entire school day drags on. The classes pass by slow and I have to listen to each brother complain about the other for what feels like hours at a time. Finally, it's time for P.E. and for once, I'm actually excited for the class.

Today has been mentally draining so I'm hoping this helps me to release all my emotions. As Edward and I walk into the gym, all eyes fall onto us. Everyone smiles and I smile back politely.

I have really helped their image here over the past few months. People have actually started talking to them now and they don't seem so on edge around the Cullens anymore. It is honestly a major improvement.

I change my clothes in the locker room before walking over and joining the other girls at volleyball. I notice a few girls I hadn't seen today so I figured I would invite them to the party this weekend.

"Hey guys!" I say sweetly as I walk up to the small group of about five girls.

"Hey (Y/n)! You look so pretty today," a blonde one replies.

I received comments like this on a daily basis during school hours. It has to do with the whole vampire perfection thing. It makes you look flawless to everyone.

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