Chapter Ten: Fight For Me

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Your POV

"Darlin, it would be so much easier to calm you if you would just stop pacing so much," Jasper says as I walk back and forth in the living room. I snap my head up and stop in my tracks.

"I'm sorry. I'm just worried about Jake. He hasn't been within five miles of the house since he told us. What if he's hurt?"

Emmett scoffs, causing me to turn my head in his direction. I take a step towards him but stop once he speaks up.

"Please, (Y/n). He's a werewolf for crying out loud. I highly doubt he's hurt."

I nod my head but still can't help the worry that is engulfing my body. After all, Jake is my bestfriend. How could I not worry about him?

I walk over to the arm chair and sit down in it. I cup my head in my hands, trying to think of where he could possibly be. Or why he hasn't been contacting me since he left.

"You shouldn't worry. I'm sure he's just trying to find out about when Sam will be-"

Edward stops mid sentence and stands abruptly. I open my mouth to ask him what's wrong when I catch the scent of something in the distance. Or stench, rather.

And it wasn't Jacob's.

As the scent hits the other two boys we all run towards Carlisle's study. Esme and him are already standing and heading towards the door.

"I don't want a fight," Carlisle says sternly while pushing past the four of us.

"Carlisle they came to kill her," Edward pleads with a pained expression on his face.

"Edward's right. She's a part of our family now. We have to protect her."

All of our eyes shoot to Esme who is still standing in the doorway of Carlisle's study. Carlisle stares at her for a few moments before slowly turning to face me and placing a hand on my shoulder.

"(Y/n), you are my daughter now. I will not let them lay a paw on you."

I smile up at him as nonexistent tears well in my eyes. I fling myself forward and wrap my arms around his torso. He places his arms around my shoulders in a warm embrace. I pull back and smile brightly at him. I look at everyone and see the amount of worry.

"It will all be okay. After all, Sam knows me. I'll just talk to him," I say, trying to lighten up the mood in the room. My eyes stop on Edward, who's face turns from worry to fear.

"They're here."

We bolt down the stairs and to the front door. Carlisle steps in front of me and opens it, revealing the pack of wolves waiting across the yard. I take in an unneeded shaky breath and follow Carlisle out of the door. We stop as our feet step off of the porch. Carlisle stands protectively in front of me, like a father guarding his child. Jasper makes his way to my right flank and Edward to my left. Emmett stands behind me with crossed arms. Esme stops next to Carlisle, holding onto his arm lightly.

The wolves let out a low growl and step a few feet forward before stopping. I see their heads scan us and their surroundings as well. They're looking for something. I scan the wolves in front of me, searching for something myself as well.

Where's Jake?

"They're wondering the same thing," Edward says under his breath. I glance at him before focusing my gaze back on the wolves.

Well, it's now or never.

I place a hand on Carlisle's tense shoulder. He looks down at me with sorrow in his eyes. I smile at him and nod my head, causing him to take a step back. I take a about twenty steps forward and clear my throat. Just enough space left that there's about ten feet between the wolves and myself. I stare at Sam and try to calm my own nerves before speaking. Almost on cue, a wave of calmness washes over me, allowing me to relax. I turn to Jasper and give him a soft smile. When I turn back to the wolves I scan them again. There's only five. They're missing three, including Jake. That's odd. I shake off the thought and clear my throat. I direct my eyes back to Sam and push my worry away.

"Sam, you know me. You know my family. You and I played together when we were kids. I'm not a threat. I would never lay my hand on a human. You, of all people, should know that. You know the type of person I am. You know I could never kill anyone. Is this really what you want to do?"

I stand and wait for a response. Praying that his response will be for him leave. I watch as he lowers his head and takes a shaky step backwards before stopping.

Okay, good. This is a good start.

I let out a small sigh of relief as I watch Sam take another step back, his pack following his actions. I watch Sam turn and slowly walk away before releasing the rest of my breath. I turn around to face the Cullen's with an overjoyed smile. They all look at me with happy expressions. I start to take steps back to them.

That went so much better than I thought it would. I'm so happy. I knew that Sam woul-

"(Y/n), look out!"

I flip back around to see Sam lunging at me. I brace myself for the impact and watch him with fear in my eyes.

I knew that was too easy.

I stand paralyzed as he flies through the air. I hear the boys behind me lunge forward. The second before Sam comes in contact with me, he's knocked to the ground. I glance behind me to see all five members of my family standing there.

Wait. Then who-


I watch as Sam and Jake roll around on the ground biting and clawing each other viciously. I feel air catch in my throat and worry fill my heart as I watch them. Suddenly Jake steps back and towers over a trembling Sam. He snarls at him and Sam growls back quietly while standing up.

"They can't hurt you," Edward says with a shaky voice.

I turn to face him as confusion fills my features. He stands there with wide eyes and a slightly parted mouth. As he stares at Jake in shock, I study him. He is completely and utterly transfixed by what he just heard. I wait for a response but when I'm not given one, I clear my throat.

"Why not?"

His eyes fix back on me as our entire coven stares at him, waiting for an answer. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a very confused Jasper and a very angered Emmett. I stare at Edward, trying to figure out what just happened. Edward looks at me concerned for a moment before his eyes twinkle with slight relief. He opens his mouth and lets out a shaky laugh.

"Jacob imprinted."

My eyes go wide and my unbeating heart stops. I slowly turn to find a whimpering Jake and a retreating pack. Jake lowers his head and looks up at me through his hooded eyes. I watch as tears fall down his sandy fur. The trembling of his body starts to subside as he looks up at me. He tilts his ears back and lays on the ground, burying his chocolate eyes under his paws. I feel myself start to shake as the words Edward told me run wild in my mind.





short chapter, i'm so sorry :( but here's a bit of surprise, tehehe. what is this now, a love pentagon? oh well. the real story is just beginning.

xoxo, darkcupid_

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