Chapter Eighteen: Difficult

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Your POV

"What do you mean they're coming here?!" I yell at my adopted father.

"(Y/n), calm down," Jasper replies, resulting in a hiss from my mouth.

"Jane sent an official letter this morning. Somehow they've found out about you. And they want to see our new addition for themselves. Luckily for us, they don't know about your power yet," Carlisle adds, trying to be comforting.

I pace quickly across the floor with my head in my hands, no doubt looking like a blur. Okay. It's not that bad. The Volturi are just coming to meet me. No big deal. It's not like they're going to take me away or anything. The only way they would even know about my power would be if Aro would-

"We won't let him touch you," Edward cuts off my thought.

I come to a complete stop and turn to him slowly. My own set of relief hits me before Jasper's washes over me completely. I let out a sigh and sit back down in the same chair I was before.

"Okay. So why are they coming to our coven? Carlisle, you yourself told me they absolutely hate to travel unless there's bloodshed," I ask, now more intrigued than worried.

"As I told you before, Aro and I used to be good friends when I worked as a part of his guard. He has a high respect for me. Any chance he has to visit, especially since I've adopted Edward, he takes. So we can catch up per say," Carlisle explains.

I nod my head and sit my head on my hands.

"You know what this means for the packs, right?" Jacob asks, the question not really directed to anyone.

"Even more wolves will phase," Edward finishes, reading his thoughts.

A groan leaves Jake's mouth as he falls back onto the couch. "It'll be terrible. Young wolves are so temperamental. There's nothing you can do to stop them. It's like trying to stop a two year old from having a tantrum," Jake explains, clearly agitated more at the thought of wolves phasing than the Volturi coming to town.

"Carlisle, when will they be here?" Esme asks, concern covering her features.


The room grows silent as we all share glances with each other. I turn my eyes to my lap and nervously start fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. This is all way too nerve racking.

"Well, if they're coming we better make you look hot," Emmett spits out, breaking the silence.


"What? You guys know the Volturi likes the new vampires to look good. Plus, it's the easiest way to win them over," Emmett adds with a shrug.

"Emmett's right. The best way to ensure Aro likes you is if Alec, Demetri, and Felix approve. And to make them approve, we might just have to make you look a little more.. appealing," Carlisle suggests, standing up from the coach. "Esme, we have under twelve hours until they arrive. Do you think you can work some magic on her?"

A wide grin spreads across Esme's face as she nods at him frantically. Speeding out of the room, she mutters words to herself, no doubt about what clothing she wants me to wear.

"Well, it was a pleasure knowing you," Jasper laughs out as we wait for Esme's return.

I quickly switch my gaze to Edward's face, studying his expressions. I watch as he raises his eyebrows before a smirk tugs at his lips. Before I can even open my mouth to speak Esme is already back in the room with three dresses in her arms, holding them out for me to choose.

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