Chapter Fourteen: Dangerous

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Your POV

After my "incident", as Edward calls it, Carlisle and Esme had to cut their little vacation short. They rushed home immediately and were here by day break.

I have been sitting in the same chair since everyone left the party last night.

I haven't spoken a single word to anyone.

The only one coming remotely close to communicating with me is Edward, but even he is keeping his distance. He's still a little angry about the whole ordeal.

No one has left my side throughout the entire night. Sam, Jared, Quil, and Embry all sit on the couch across from me. Leah and Seth stay sitting by the windows, watching the wildlife outside. Emmett and Jasper sit on the couch to my left, never taking their eyes off of me. Jake constantly stands in the doorway, trying to stay out of everyone's way. Paul sits on the floor next to my chair, holding my hand. He never leaves my side. As for Edward, well I haven't seen him in a few hours. He never sticks around.

"Are you sure you can't use your songs to enchant vampires or wolves?" Carlisle asks while kneeling down in front of me.

I stare at him blankly for a moment. Now that I think of it, I've haven't really tried it. I mean, I was just singing normally before, not trying or thinking about anything special. Maybe that's why I only entranced the human men in the room. Maybe if I actually try to lure the wolves and vampires in, my voice will possess them.

"I've never tried it before," I whisper quietly.

All eyes in the room snap to me. I had spoken for the first time in 12 hours and it was barely above a whisper. Paul's grip on my hand loosens as he becomes less tense. Carlisle looks at me for a few moments before softly smiling at me. He turns to face the wolves and his sons.

"Would it be okay with you all if she tried? Just so we will know if she can?" Carlisle asks, hope lacing his voice.

I watch silently as one by one they all nod their heads in approval. Leah smiles at me and walks out of the room since the song wouldn't affect her anyways. I take in a deep breath as my nerves begin to build up. Paul gives my hand one last squeeze before walking over to sit in the floor by Sam. Carlisle smiles up at me and nods his head. I take in another deep breath and feel Jasper calm my nerves.

"Carlisle, please cover your ears," I say before I begin humming softly.

"I'll seek you out, flay you alive," I begin and watch as all the eyes in the room become slightly glazed over.

"One more word and you won't survive.
And I'm not scared,
Of your stolen power.
I see right through you any hour."

I watch as the boys in the room mindlessly try to ease closer to me. I slowly stand from my seat and take a step forward.

"I won't soothe your pain.
I won't ease your strain.
You'll be waiting in vain.
I got nothing for you to gain."

As I sing the last part, venom begins to pool in my eyes. I walk to Jasper and place a hand against his cheek. His eyes shine with adoration at my touch.

"I'm taking it slow.
Feeding my flame.
Shuffling the cards of your game.
And just in time,
In the right place.
Suddenly I will play my ace."

As I back away I point my finger towards Jake, gesturing him to follow me. When he reaches about a foot away, I raise my hand up from him to stop.

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