Chapter Six: Sparks Fly

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Third Person's POV

*About 15 minutes later, at the Cullen residence*

Jasper gets out of the car and walks into the house. He can't help but replay what just happened in his mind. Smiling to himself, he walks through the front door. As he turns to walk into the living room he's stopped by a very irritated Edward.

"You. Did. What?" Edward growls quietly while shoving Jasper slightly.

"Woah, calm down." Jasper goes to walk by Edward but he grabs his arm, pulling him back.

"You know I like her, why would you do that?" Edward glares at Jasper, waiting for an answer.

"I like her too Edward, so get off my case."

Edward stares at him for a few moments before letting his grip on him go.

"Fine. Just don't let Emmett find out."

"Don't let Emmett find out what?"

They both snap their heads to see Emmett,standing in the doorway of the living room, with his arms crossed. He raises an eyebrow at Jasper.

"Nothing Emmett. It isn't a big deal." Jasper brushes past Emmett and walks into the living room.

Edward walks up to Emmett and whispers into his ear.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Emmett turns around to face Jasper, his fists already clenched.

"Seriously Edward, did you really have to tell him?" Jasper whines and turns around, slowly backing away from Emmett.

"You know I like her! Why would you touch her?" Emmett growls as he keeps taking steps closer to Jasper.

"Oh come on Em, it's not my fault I like her too."

A second later all hell breaks loose in the middle of the Cullen's living room.

Emmett was throwing Jasper to the ground while Edward was shoving Emmett off of him. They were smashing vases and breaking furniture. They were screaming and yelling at each other. They were throwing punches and kicks like it was nothing.

It was like World War III.

Esme finally runs into the room after hearing all the noise. She looks at this sight before her and is instantly angry.

"Boys, that's enough."

They snap their heads up and suddenly come to a stop. They look down and slowly step away from each other.

"Now, why are you fighting. What is this about?"

Esme watches the boys as they start to fidget. She stands patiently waiting for them to respond. Jasper clears his throat before looking up to Esme.

"I.. kissed (Y/n) on the cheek," he says quietly.

Esme's face automatically lights up. A grin spreads across her lips.

"Thats good! But that doesn't explain why you're fighting." She glances at the boys with a puzzled look on her face.

"We were fighting because we all like her," Edward says while looking up at Esme timidly.

"Oh." She stands there surprised for a moment before a smile makes it way back to her lips.

"Well then it just seems like you all have some friendly competition. You all just have to make her fall in love with you. But remember, she's a girl, not a toy. If any of you hurt her I will not hesitate on killing you. Got it?"

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