Chapter 14

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🖤 13,647 likesJiminieChimChim86 hi guys! This is Tae's bestest friend @Sugafever here! So he undermined my skills and I cracked his password in like 0

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JiminieChimChim86 hi guys! This is Tae's bestest friend @Sugafever here! So he undermined my skills and I cracked his password in like 0.23 seconds. But anyways he took a selfie on my phone, doesn't he look hotttt???? #hacked #sexybff
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CookieforKookie omg 🔥omg 🔥omg 🔥omg
CookieforKookie I'm dead...this...he's just..kookie who?
Jimin4life I' he even human? Like fuck...he's fucking perfect
JiminieChimChim86 OMG @Sugafever YOU ARE SO DEAD 💀
HoeHobi Holy shirts and pants you're HOT!🔥
HoeHobi @ParkJiminOfficial isn't he? 🔥
Sugafever @JiminieChimChim86 come on! I gave you more than enough time! It's not my fault you didn't take me seriously and have the easiest password in the whole wide world!
JiminieChimChim86 @Sugafever I would sleep with one eye open tonight if I were you.
ParkJiminOfficial fdyhbsewlp bbsjslm zlkdko lodn
ParkJiminOfficial ^^^sorry I think my heart malfunctioned for a minute...
JiminieChimChim86 @ParkJiminOfficial you might want to get that checked out! 😳
MrsParkJimin93 how...I feel so attacked right now...he's so fucking gorgeous 😭😍

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