Chapter 53

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You know that was a one time thing right?

What was?

You know the whole calling you daddy thing? I obviously was not in the right state of mind

Mhmmm ok 👍🏼

Why does that sound sarcastic when I read it?

I think you quite like being submissive...

Pshhtttt no I dont

Whatever helps you sleep at night 😘

I was caught off guard!

Sure...besides you asked for it. I mean you called me daddy in your comments again

We both know I'm the dominant one in this relationship

Is that so?🤔

Omg! I just realized what I said!
I'm so sOrry
I didn't mean to say that
It's just...
What are we?
Now it's awkward
I'm sorry 😭😭😭😭
I'm so stupid
And pathetic, who would want to be in a relationship with me?
Oh man you probably hate me
Please don't hate me 😭😭😭😭

Can you please come out from your room?
And PLEASE stop demeaning yourself! 😡

No I'm quite comfortable where I am
I don't want you to see me crying

Why are you crying? Omg please come out of there!!!

No! 😭😭😭😭



I braced myself as I opened the door and wheeled myself to where he was sitting at the dining room table. I came to a stop, with my head down, too afraid to look at Jimin in the eye.

"Can you look at me please?" He asked softly

I glanced at his eyes and quickly diverted my eyes to the floor once again. Why am I so stupid? I probably ruined whatever it was that we had.

"Tae" he said sternly. I reluctantly looked at him and waited for the rejection.

"Taehyung, I've been waiting to ask you for a while now. But if I'm really being honest I thought maybe you'd ask me first" he paused nervously "I'm crazy about you Tae, I've been crazy about you since we started talking. I mean we confessed to each other, like two months ago for crying out loud!" I smiled at that as he grabbed my hand "it's time to finally make what we have between us official. So Kim Taehyung, would you do me the honor of becoming my boyfriend?"

I think I might be a faucet in another life, because it seems like all I do is cry. I hurriedly nod my head "Y-yes, oh my god yes!" I cry out as I pulled him into a hug

"You know, I wasn't picturing this to be such a sad affair"

"Shut up, you scared me. I thought I was going to get rejected by you."

"You're so silly, I'm completely smitten by you" he tenderly said as he kissed my tears away and  placed a chaste kiss on my lips.

"You're mine" I whispered, the fact that he's my boyfriend settling in.

"I'm yours" he whispered back, smiling with that beautiful smile of his.

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