Chapter 50

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Taehyung's POV

Oh how I missed his hugs. His scent. Him.

We've been hugging for what seems like hours but were probably only seconds, not to say that it's super awkward since I'm in the chair with a leg cast, an arm cast, bandaged ribs and sore basically everywhere. I feel him pulling away and I wince in pain. All at once I feel tears stream down my face.

"Oh no! Tae did I hurt you? I'm so sorry!" Jimin hurriedly said panic and worry clear on his face

"N-no, I-I just...t-thank you for getting me out of there, I thought I'd never see you again" I stuttered out, tears still streaming down my face

"Never see you again? You're so silly" he chuckled out amused "why wouldn't I want to see the most beautiful person in the world? And I really mean that, you're beautiful inside and out, it literally takes my breath away"

"Y-ah! Don't you see I'm injured? And here you are making me all flustered! You should be ashamed of yourself!" I half yelled at him, truly embarrassed that he made me blush like a mad man in a matter of seconds.

"Come on, you should be laying in bed"

"Not that I'm complaining or anything, but uh what are you doing here?" I asked curiously

"Oh you know just thought that maybe I-"

"You know, as sweet as this is watching from afar, a little acknowledgement would be nice" I heard someone interrupt Jimin, and realization hit me. Bogum is still here, pouting with an amused glint in his eyes. I blushed out of embarrassment and kept my head down.

"S-sorry, Bogum you remember Jimin right?"

"Oh please honey, who do you think let him in the house?" He responded sassily

"So you knew about this and didn't tell me? I'm your best friend!"

"Well yeah, it was a surprise!" He paused "wait, you do know how surprises work...right?"

"Oh fuck off Bo" I said while laughing, that is until I heard a giggle "what's so funny Jiminie?"

"I've just never heard you curse before, it's actually cute and extremely hot at the same time"

"Okie-dokie, I'll be in my room please wait till I'm out of the house to ravish each other. I'd prefer if my ears stayed innocent"

"Bogum!!" I yelled in horror, the nerve of him "You're lucky I'm in this fucking wheelchair" I mumbled to myself, but I'm guessing Jimin heard as he started chuckling.

Bogum stared at the both of us before shrugging and going into his room.

"I'm sorry about him, he's a lot sometimes"

"It's alright Tae, I don't mind" he said while leaning down and pressing a chaste kiss on my lips, leaving me yearning for more.

"Come on, you need to lay down and a nurse is coming in to check up on you later" he said while wheeling me to my room "and to answer your previous question, I was hoping I could spend my 2 month vacation with you?"

"With me? But Jimin I won't be very fun, I literally can't do anything but be a burden right now. I don't want to ruin your time off, it's not right. I ju-" my rambling was cut off by Jimin placing his lips on mine, moving slowly against each other. Letting go of them he whispered

"You'll never be a burden to me, so please let it be the last time I hear you say that. I want to take care of you Tae. I'm not sure if you've realized this but you mean the world to me. I want to spend every single moment I have with you" peck "every" peck "single" peck "moment" He pecks my lips for the last time, emphasizing his words.


"Which brings me to this questions, Kim Taehyung, would you do me the hon-"

"Omg" I whispered to myself

He giggled "would you do me the honor of-"


"The honor of being my" there's a pause "cuddle buddy"

"Wasn't I your cuddle buddy already?"

"Haha yea..."

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