Chapter 32

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Omg Jimin please don't hate me!
I was in the bathroom and I saw a fucking spider (I'm deadly afraid of them) so me and my stupid self thought 'hey I'm tough and mighty, I can totally kill the spider and I'm going to get it on video!' (I wanted to show proof of my manliness) Well I was obviously stupidly wrong because as I tried to kill it with my shoe it jumped on me! That fucking spider had the balls to jump on me! Can you believe that? What I didn't realize in that time of complete chaos was that I had let go of my fell in the toilet! Now I think I was at war with that spider for like an hour, it kept jumping around I seriously think that spider was on some weird shit like heroine or something cause that was just plain old crazy. To make my overly long story short my phone kinda drowned and wouldn't resuscitate so I didn't have access to any social media/texting. And to make matters worse my computer has a virus and it wouldn't let me log on to send you an email. But all is good! I got a new phone today! But I'm so so sorry for taking so long. I just want you to know that I wasn't trying to ignore you or anything I hadn't even read your message until now! But enough about that! Here's my response to you:
I like you too...I always have
Sure in the beginning it was more of me fanboying over you but that quickly changed. You're amazing Jimin, you're so sweet and caring and you make me feel things I've never felt before. You're so humble and that's just something so many people lack these days. You're so beautiful Jimin, I'm not even sure how or why you like me but I'm not complaining.
You do still like me right?
Am I too late?
Please don't be mad... 😭

I hate you

Please don't hate me!
ISTG it was an accident!
I'm so sorry!

I hate you because you made me cry

I'm so sorry Jimin!
I don't ever want to make you cry!
Please I'm begging you
Forgive me...

I'm crying because you're so darn cute...I can't take it!
I forgive you, you idiot
And of course I still like you, feelings don't just get up and leave you know

You're an angel!
Thank you so much Jimin!
I'm so happy right now!!!!!
Again I'm so sorry that this happened, I know now not to engage in combat with a spider.

You make me happy


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