Chapter 55

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Taehyung's POV

It's been a week since Jimin posted that picture of us, claiming I was his. It's also been a week of non stop  messages from so called 'ARMY' wanting me gone.

What does he see in you, you're the ugliest bitch I've ever seen

You are a worthless piece of trash

You're just after his money you fake ass mf

Go do us all a favor and die

I knew this was going to happen, I shouldn't let it get to me. But how could I not? Here I am, an ARMY who was obsessed with Park Jimin and is now dating the said K-pop idol. I mean it sounds so surreal to me. I'm a nobody dating a somebody. He deserves someone beautiful, someone who isn't a burden to him. Someone who definitely isn't me.

My phone vibrating broke me out of my thoughts.

MyJiminie💜: hey baby, where did you go off to?

Taehyung: I'm just at the park

MyJiminie💜: are you ok? Why does your text give me sad vibes?

Taehyung: I think we should break up...

MyJiminie💜: I'm sorry...what?

Taehyung: I'm not right for you, Jimin. You could have anyone you ever wanted! I'm a nobody, who doesn't deserve to even be in the same room as you. And all these fans telling me how much of a disgrace I am just proves my point. I can't drag you downhill. I can't have you lowering your standards by being with me.

MyJiminie💜: where the fuck are you?

Taehyung: I don't want to hold you back, you're losing fans because of me. I've been a burden for  you even before we became a couple. I don't want you to resent me.

MyJiminie💜: don't go anywhere

I was a crying mess now, already regretting sending those texts without a clear mind. I cuddled closer to the cold bench, and stared off into the black sky.

I must of dozed off because next thing I know I'm in someone's arms. That quickly registered in mind and I started to panic, wriggling and trying to push away from the intruder.

"Relax Tae, it's just me" I heard Jimin whisper as he tightened his hold on me.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I repeated over and over again burrowing my face on his chest, tears streaming down my face uncontrollably "d-don't leave m-me"

"I would never leave you Taehyung" he states with a serious face.

"I'm s-sorry for m-making you worry, I wasn't t-thinking clearly. If I were you I w-wouldn't be a-anywhere near m-me"

"Those things that you said really hurt me Tae, how can you think so lowly of yourself? You're amazing, beautiful, kind, funny, quirky, weird and I mean the good weird. You're all I've ever wanted, my sun, my moon, my stars. You make me better, and I can't have the person I love talk so badly about themselves"

"You-You l-l-love m-me?" I stuttered out in shock

"Yes you big idiot, I've loved you for quite some time"

"I-I love you too Jiminie"

This made Jimin smile and look down at me, placing a small peck on my lips.

"C-Can you put me down now?"


"It's weird having a serious conversation while being carried bridal style"

"Deal with it, you made me worried" he paused "we still need to talk when we get back to your place"

I sighed "I know"

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