Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Skylar, come over here!" I heard my best friend Taylor calling. I turned around to see her running down the hallway; her blonde hair bouncing in her bun.

"Dude, wait up." She managed to get out through short breathes.

"Sorry Tay, I didn't hear you." I said smiling. Taylor was a short spitfire that you never wanted to mess with. "Let's get going."

We walked out to the parking lot, and climbed into my Jeep. We were going to my house to get ready for a party that the football team was throwing. We pulled into my driveway, and Taylor automatically ran into my huge house.

I actually found it too big for being the only person who lived in it. My parents never came home, so I stayed by myself all the time. Taylor dragged me up the steps to my room. She started rummaging through my closet like a crazy person. She tossed me a short, navy blue dress that I hadn't worn in forever. It was tight fit, so you could see my curves, and it went to my mid-thigh. I grabbed some black heels and started on my hair.

I looked at my natural-red hair that went down to my mid-back and decided to straighten it. I then put on some brown eyeliner and gold eye shadow to make my green eyes pop. I just finished getting ready to see Taylor in a red dress that was too short for her, but I wouldn't tell her that, or she'd rip my head off.

"Come on Sky! I know how much you want to see Jace." She said as she waggled her eyebrows.

I internally groaned. That was actually the last thing I wanted to do. Jace was... well Jace was Jace. He was sweet one moment, then a douche the next.

I tried to act excited as Taylor, yet again, dragged me to the car. That girl could be so frustrating sometimes, but I loved her anyways. We were on the softball team together. She played short stop, while I was the pitcher. I actually thought her position suited her well because she was actually really short. All the guys made fun of her for it, but not in a bad way. It was more like teasing.

We pulled up to the party thirty minutes late. As soon as I walked through the door, I was instantly hit with the smell of alcohol. I mean come on, the party only started half an hour ago! I don't drink; I always like to keep a clear head, especially around Jace. I walked through the house, when I felt someone grab my hand. I flinched from reflex.

"Chill, Babe. It's just me." Jace said. I looked into his brown eyes and pushed the hair out of his face.

"You just scared me." I said smiling, but not relaxing. Sometimes it's better to act like everything was ok.

"Let's go dance." He said while dragging me to the dance floor. Jeez, I was being dragged everywhere tonight.

We started dancing to the beat on the crowded dance floor. I felt a little claustrophobic after a while, so I walked into the kitchen. And of course! What did I find? My best friend sitting on the counter, making out with some random guy. I rolled my eyes; she always did this. I was about to walk out of the room when she called my name.

"Wait." She said while stumbling off the counter. "I don't feel good." She said while rubbing her tummy and laughing.

I could tell she was drunk. She was one of those crazy drunks, and she always felt like crap when she was drinking.

"Ok, I'll take you to my place. Just let me tell Jace." I said walking out of the kitchen.

I found him alone and told him I had to take Tay home, and I could tell he was pissed.

"You just got here though." He said a little angry. Oh crap. He started drinking, that was never a good sign when it came to Jace.

"I know, but Tay doe-"

"Tay this, Tay that. I'm the boyfriend, so I should get to hang out with my girlfriend." He said grabbing my wrist fiercely.

"Jace, let go. You're hurting me." I said trying to release his grip. This was common between us.

"Whatever. We'll finish this later." He said throwing my wrist out of his grasp.

I turned and walked away. There was no way that I was going to talk to him when he's drunk. It's bad enough that he hurts me when he's sober.

I found Taylor and took her to my Jeep. We drove back to my house, and she passed out in the car. I sighed and lifted her up. She was so light and small that I could carry her.

I put her on my bed and pulled the covers over her. I stepped out of the shower and saw the bruises on my body. There was a bunch on my arms and stomach, but I was always careful to cover them. That's what I get from being abused for months. I sighed yet again. It's not like I wanted this to happen. Being with Jace was perfect for the first month, but then when he lost a football game, he went ballistic. He started screaming at me, and he attacked me. I was so scared that I didn't know what to do. I just took it. I was so weak when it came to him. I couldn't find the power to fight back. I got into my pajamas and went to bed.

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