Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

The next morning, both Taylor and Matt had a hangover, but they promised to help clean up. This time though, we made the boys move the furniture as Tay and I started to pick up trash. The cleanup went by pretty quickly with the four of us. It only took a few hours.

After my house was clean, everyone went home. Will was coming by later to take me on our first “real” date. He told me to dress a little fancy, but to bring a jacket. I asked him to tell me what we were doing, but he wanted it to be a surprise.

He picked me up at seven sharp. We drove to this little bistro. It was very romantic; there were candles and roses on the tables. We sat down, and looked at our menus. I eventually ordered chicken, and he ordered a steak. The food was delicious.

We made small talk as we ate, and it felt perfect. In the short time that I had known him, I had grown to be comfortable with him. After the Jace incident, I thought that I would never be able to trust another person, but here I was, with the perfect guy.

After dinner, he drove us somewhere, but he wouldn’t let me see. I tried to peek, but he threatened to blindfold me. I sighed and tried to be patient. We eventually parked, and he helped me out of the car. I opened my eyes, and I was stunned.

We were on top of a cliff, and the stars shone so bright here. There was a huge oak tree near the edge of the cliff, and the whole view was just breathtaking. I was in awe. Will sat on the hood of his car and motioned for me to do the same.

“You like it?” he asked as he pulled me closer to him. I put my head against his shoulder and nodded.

“It’s beautiful.” I answered.

“Yeah, I found this spot one day and started to paint. Then I realized that you would love it here.” He said while smiling at me.

I looked at him and planted a kiss on his lips.

“I love you.” He said while staring into my eyes. I was flabbergasted. I was afraid that I didn’t hear him right, and I would make a complete fool out of myself.

“I love you too.” The rest of the night was bliss. I was floating on air the whole time, and everything felt perfect. Too bad that it had to end so soon.

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