Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

            The sunlight woke me up the next morning. My eyes quickly adjusted to the sun, and I went into the bathroom to change. I took a shower to get rid of the airplane smell.

 I threw on a green bikini and a white sundress. I slipped into my favorite green flip-flops, and I didn’t put any makeup on because we were going to the beach.

            I walked out of the bathroom to see Will still sleeping. I casually strolled over to his bed and sat next to him.

            “Get up, Sleepy Head.” I said as I gently nudged him.

            “Good morning,” he said with a smile.

            “Good morning to you too. Now get dressed. I don’t want to miss out on anything.” I chirped. He chuckled and climbed out of bed.

            I walked into the small kitchen in the suite to see that the rest of the Grant clan was already up.

            “’Morning Skylar.” They all said to me.

            “’Morning. So what time are we going to the beach?” I asked excitedly.

            “Well, Mr. Grant and I are going to have a parent day, so you kids can go whenever you want.” Mrs. Grant said to me.

            “’K” I replied.

            Will came out of our room wearing blue board shorts and a black tee.

            “I say we eat, then go to the beach.” He said while drying his wet hair with a towel. I agreed, and we dug into our waffles.

            After we finished eating, we walked down to the beach. I made sure that I put sunscreen on Vicky, and she insisted that she would do the same for me. I let her because I didn’t want to get burnt either. Since I’m a red head, I burn so easily.

            It was beautiful out. The sand felt warm under my feet, and I could feel the sun’s rays radiating off my skin.

We found a place to sit, and I didn’t waste any time getting into the blue ocean. I threw my sundress off and ran for the water. I could see Will and Vicky right next to me.

            I felt the cool water hit my warm skin, and I sighed. It felt so nice. I floated in the water a bit. I wasn’t like most girls who just sat around and tanned. I loved swimming.

 I was floating in the water, when Will pushed me under. I was shocked, but when I surfaced, I started splashing him. We had a full out war. I was having a blast. After the war was over, I got out of the water and sat on my towel.

            “How you like it here so far?” Will asked as he sat next to me. We were both watching Vicky run along the shoreline collecting seashells.

            “It’s great. Thanks for inviting me.” I said.

            “I wasn’t going to leave you home alone by yourself.” He replied.

            “You truly are amazing.” I said while smiling at him. He was about to reply, when Vicky ran over to us.

            “Look what I found!” she screeched. I looked up at her to see her with a bunch of multi-colored shells.

            “They’re beautiful.” I exclaimed.

            “Can we go back now? I’m sleepy.” She said while rubbing her eyes.

            I looked at Will. He just shrugged, he didn’t care.

            “Sure Sweety. Let’s get you home so you can take a nap.” I said while grabbing our stuff.

            Vicky hopped on Will’s back, wanting a piggyback ride. Will laughed, but he didn’t protest. I grabbed the towels, and we made our way back to the hotel. By the time we reached our suite, Vicky was passed out. Will placed her down in her room while I was sitting on the couch.

            “So what do you wanna do now?” he asked as he returned.

            I shrugged. “No idea. Hey, did I get any sunburn.” I asked as I went to find a mirror.

            “Just a little on your nose, but not much.” He responded as he tried not to smile.

            I groaned, and he laughed at me.

            “Are you laughing at me?” I asked him with a hand on my hip.

            “Actually yes, yes I am.” He answered while still laughing.

            “Stop. It’s not funny. I hate sunburn.” I whined.

            He continued laughing. “I’m sorry. I said it’s not that bad.”

            “Whatever.” I said as I flopped down on the couch face first. “I think I’m going to shower. I reek of salt water.”

            “’K.” he replied while flipping through the TV stations.

            I climbed into the shower and relaxed. I really was happy. Happier than I had been in a long time, and it was all thanks to Will. I got out of the shower, got dressed, and went back out into the living room. I flopped back down on the couch.

            “I’m gonna take one now.” Will said.

            I nodded, but I didn’t look up. My face was on the couch, and it was so soft. I felt my eyes getting heavy. The sun really had taken a lot out of me. I was drifting in and out of consciousness.

 I was vaguely aware of two strong arms carrying me, but I was too out of it to care. I felt the arms place me on what I was assuming was a bed. I finally fell completely asleep.

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