Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Well hello, Girlfriend." Jace said. My blood went cold when I heard him speak. He sounded like he was drunk.

"Hi Jace." I said. I could feel Will stiffen and try to stand in front of me.

"So you are screwing the new guy?" he asked his voice filled with venom.

"No, we went bowling. You're drunk, so go home. Like I said I'm not cheater, unlike you." I spat, and the second I said those words, I knew I was an idiot.

"You should leave Jace." Will said coldly while blocking me.

Jace didn't answer; instead he swung his fist right at Will's face. I heard it connect, and I whimpered. Jace grabbed my hand fiercely. I felt his nails digging into my skin.

"Jace, let go! You're hurting me." I screamed. I felt the back of his hand hit my face, and I fell to the ground. I felt the tears starting to brim on my eyes.

When I got up, I saw that Will was on top of Jace, beating him. I screamed and tried to pull them off each other, but it was no use. I heard sirens wailing, lights flashing, and then a cop pulled Will off Jace.

"That little bitch deserved it. She's a fucking cheater!" Jace screeched as he was being pushed into the back of the cop car.

"No, I'm not. You're the cheater in this relationship, and I should have ended it a long time ago. We are over Jace." I choked out through my tears.

"You can't dump me, I'm Jace Knight. No one dumps me. You will regret this Skylar, you will!" he yelled.

I ran over to Will, he had a bloody nose, and was talking to a cop. Apparently a neighbor called the cops, and they came over as soon as possible.

Will told him the whole story. Including that Jace had been abusing me for months. The cops drove us home, and I took Will up to my room. I looked at his nose and started cleaning it.

"You didn't have to do that." I said while wiping the blood away.

He put his hand to my cheek that was starting to form a bruise. "I did, and I'm sorry that he hurt you."

I laughed. "I'm not hurt, look at you. But thank you anyways." I said while pulling him into a hug.

"I told you I'd protect you." He said while wiping my tears. "Now, what about my kiss?"

I grabbed the side of his face and kissed him with all I had. This kid was amazing. He really was. I kissed him until I couldn't breathe. I pulled away.

"Goodnight." He said as he left my room to go back to his house.

I sighed and cried myself to sleep. I was done with Jace. I broke it off between us, and he was in jail. Everything was going to be fine, I kept telling myself. I finally fell asleep, and I dreamed of Will. This was what I needed, a new beginning, with a new guy.

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