Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

The rest of the school week went by smoothly. Everyone was happy for Matt and Tay, but they knew that it was bound to happen eventually. With each day though, I began to get more and more nervous.

Will was by my side the entire time, and I was grateful for it. If he wasn’t there to comfort me, I would have gone crazy.

I was actually excited to go to school each day because it kept my mind off of this weekend. I knew it was inevitable, but there was something in me that hoped that I didn’t have to go through with it. In the end though, I knew I had to do the right thing.

When Saturday approached, I knew I was ready. Taylor and Matt both promised me that they would accompany me as well. Taylor came over to help me get dressed. She searched through my closet for the perfect outfit.

“You need something business-like.” She said while her head was buried in my closet.

“Whatever.” I mumbled. I was still nervous to face Jace. I heard her sigh.

“Relax. Everything will be alright.” She said reassuringly. “Now, put this on.”

She handed me a navy business jacket and a black pencil skirt. I put the clothes on, and I pulled my hair into a sleek ponytail.

“Gorgeous.” She beamed. Will and Matt picked us up to drive us to the court house.

I stood on the court steps, and my heart started pounding. I felt dizzy, and I grabbed onto Will for support. He smiled at me, and I started to feel a little better.

I walked into the courtroom, and I kept my head down. I was not going to look at him until I had to.

The trial began, and I zoned them out. I wasn’t listening to a word they were saying until I was called up.

“I call Skylar Lawrence to the stand.” The lawyer called. Will squeezed my shoulder, and I made my way up the stand.

“Do you swear to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” the man said.

“I do.” I whispered.

I took my seat and waited for the questions.

“Ms. Lawrence, you were dating Mr. Knight?” the prosecutor asked.

“We dated for almost a year.” I stated.

“Now, when did he become physical?” The prosecutor asked.

“After our third month dating.” I still did not look at Jace.

“I see. Now, do you know why?” she asked.

“He lost a football game, and he was angry. That was the first night he hit me.” I squeaked.

“How long did this continue?” she asked again.

“Until he was arrested.” I answered.

“No further question Your Honor.” She said as she walked back to her seat.

“You say he beat you?” Jace’s lawyer asked. I knew that this guy was on Jace’s side, and I became aggravated.

“Yes, because he did.” I spat.

“Do you have any proof?” he asked. At first I was about to say no, it had been awhile since my last beating, but then I remembered the scar.

“Yes, yes I do.” I said with a smirk. This guy was not about to make me look like a fool. I finally found Jace’s eyes. I noticed that his face changed from a smirk into a frown.

“May I see it?” the defense attorney asked with a confused look. Jace probably told him I would have no proof.

For once, it was a good thing that Jace was drunk that night, and he didn’t remember a thing.

“You may.” I said with a smile as I rolled up my sleeve. I showed everyone the scar that ran down from my shoulder. “This is what happens when Jace is angry and drunk. He took a broken bottle, and he ran it down my arm.”

“She’s a liar!” Jace shouted. “I never did that before.”

“You’ve done worse!” I spat.

“You, little bitch deserved it.” He screamed as he started to make his way towards me. I would not let him control me.

“Did I just hear a confession?” I smiled.

“I will kill you!” he spat with venom.

“Try behind bars.” I hissed.

“Order in the court.” The judge demanded. I was pleased with myself at how well that went. “I am calling a recess, so Mr. Knight can calm down. We will continue this tomorrow.”

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