Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

            After school, we had another softball practice, our first game was coming up in a week, and Coach wanted us to be perfect. It was just a typical practice, and of course afterwards, we were all stiff. Will still insisted on coming to all my practices, despite my protests.

            On Thursday, school went fine, and after practice, Tay and I went to go party shopping. We pulled into the grocery store with Tay’s mom. Her mom was actually really cool, and she was here to purchase the alcohol.

            Tay’s mom really did not care if Tay drank because she knew that Taylor would do it even if her mom wouldn’t allow her. Mrs. King found it easier to just go along with our ideas.

            We grabbed a shopping cart and began going through our list. We needed cups, napkins, snacks, and the alcohol. Mrs. King went to purchase the beer as Taylor and I did the real shopping. We threw the napkins and cups into the cart and went to find food.

            We decided to get chips and pretzels. You could never go wrong with junk food. We also grabbed some pop for the kids who didn’t drink, including me. Tay and I paid for the stuff and met Mrs. King at the car.

            “Am I bad mother by doing this?” she asked jokingly.

            “Nope, I love you just the way you are.” Tay said with a smile.

            “Good. Now promise me you won’t get too drunk. Sky, can I trust you to keep an eye on this one?” she said while nudging Tay.

            “Of course Mrs. King.” She gave me a disgusted look when I said the name. “I mean Marissa.”

            She looked pleased, and we made our way home. I dropped Tay and Marissa off at home, and I started to put the stuff away. I wasn’t going to set my house up for the party until the next day. We didn’t have softball practice because Coach Wilson had to go to a wedding, so Tay and I were ditching school to set up for the party.

            “Party time!” Tay yelled a she walked through my door.

            “Not yet, we still have to get this place ready.” I said while standing in my pajamas.

            “’K. Did Will stay home too to help us move this stuff?” she said while gesturing to the furniture.

            “Nope, he had a big test that he didn’t want to miss.” I replied. She rolled her eyes.

            “Ugh, now we have to do this by ourselves.” She was being such a drama queen.

            “Stop complaining and help me move this.” I told her.

            We were trying to lift a couch, and Tay was being no help whatsoever.

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