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The debate was organized in the library.

I was seated at the back with Shank beside me.

All my friends were the part of the formal debate which was held in the auditorium. Jessie was a participant in it.

I was in the informal one. The topic was related to Captain America: Civil War- Whose side you are on? Team Captain or Team Iron Man?

If Nikki was here I swear no one could defeat her in supporting team cap.

The debate started.

"Whose side you are on Niya?", Shank inquired.

"Team Iron man as I like Tony Stark....also I totally agree that the superhero power should be controlled or else they will use it in a bad way."

Shank started, "Seriously.... I totally disagree you. If government would control the powers then what is the use of it? Powers are the strength that we use to fight evil."

"Yeah, whatever... lets enjoy this debate."

Rafe delivered a nice speech and frankly saying.... I was pretty impressed. I think he is a bit cute..... But still not my type as he is influenced by her.

The debate ended in the favor of Team Cap... which was led by Rafe.

"Congratulations Rafe on winning", I said to him.

"Thanks", he said in an irritated tone. So mean he is. I came see him just to settle the things between us and now... the "RAFE" chapter is over.

Dispersal time.

I was waiting for my van to come in the parking lot. Just then Rafe came to me. I totally ignored him.

"Hey, N!"

"It's NIYA by the way!", I almost shouted on him.

"Okay, take it easy .... I just came to ask you out."

Did I heard something real??? Rafe asking me out?!

"Why should I go out with you? Go ask your bitch to go with you. And if you ever came close to me again... I will kill you!!! " I screamed so loudly that all the other students looked at both of us.

"Fine. Bye. Have a good day", he said going in the direction of his bike.

"I'm already having one!!" my scream was useless now. He went away. But why did he came to me? Why did he asked me out? I know he has Jessie beside he part of her plan?

Night time.

I was going towards my bed, just then my phone rang.

The number was unknown again. Why I don't have True caller in my phone? I need to install it now.


Am I taking to Niya?

Yes...who is it?

It's me Shank ....wassup??

Where the hell did you get my number??

I asked from Rafe...

And he gave it to you!! I am gonna kill you!!

Fine... but before my death....would you like see Avengers: Endgame with me?? I actually have an extra ticket to the Saturday show.

And why should I see that film with you?? like Tony Stark. And I want to see the film with a Marvel fan...

How do you know I am a Marvel fan??

The way you showed your interest in the debate today I thought you are one of the do you wanna go or should I ask Rafe or Jessie??

Fine, I'll go with you...thanks for manipulating me.

Thanks. We will go directly from school tomorrow.....Bye good night.

Bye Shank. Night. Sweet dreams.

I am going to the film without my friends. If Nikki finds out she would burn me... but never mind I will not tell her about this secret movie show....unless some else does. No one would do that!!! (I will make sure). Right?

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