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I was walking back to my class with Shelby and Nash beside me.

"Hey Niya!"

Someone called from my back.

"Hey Adam", he saw my swollen eyes, probably guessed that I was crying.

"What happened? Were you crying?...", I nodded. "...I can't believe those rumors are true!"

"What do you mean...... Oh! You also know about it!!"

"Yeah... Rafe is telling everyone that we should stay away from you.....You know what I mean."

I realized that Nash and Shelby departed to the classroom.

"So...are you going for the council?", he started, " I guess you are going to contest for the post of heads"

"Only head...I mean just for the head girl and group captain...what about you?"

"Oh...I will go for the discipline ones .....That's what I am capable of."

"Adam, you are capable of everything if you realize your potential."

"That's a good thought Niya.....if I wanted any help about this I will bother you!"

"Yeah sure!"

We both went back to are class.

"What's with Adam?", Nikki snapped.

"Nothing...just an old good friend", I replied.

"What about you new friend mess?", she asked.

I saw Shank. He was looking disheartened. Our eyes locked for a second but he looked in a different direction.

"What should I do Deb?",I asked Debrov.

"Why are you asking me? I am not a part of this mess. No, hell, no", he said in irritating tone.

"Fine, I will do it myself." I went to Shank he was alone standing near his seat.


"Don't you dare talk to me!", he exclaimed.

So he doesn't wants to talk to's time for a trump card then.

"If I buy you a milkshake and a burger....still I can't dare talk to you?"

"Let's have a canteen conference then."

War Of The HeadsWhere stories live. Discover now