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The day came.

The crowning.......the investiture.
Auditorium set, aisle ready.

But before the day begins, the principal announced that there would be no speeches this year and also it won't effect the new council results.

Never mind.

Me, Nikki, Nash, Shelby, Debrov , Adam, Diana and George.....we all were going to the auditorium for the ceremony but I  made them stop near the entrance.

" Everyone...listen to me. Before this much awaited ceremony commences, I need to tell you something." They a made a semi circle and gave me their attention.

" I know that last few days were really crazy for all of us . We were being Sherlock Holmes and some of us became the Avengers...but I just want to say Thank you. Thank you so much. I mean what you all did for me, no one does nowadays for each other."

" Sorry to cut you Niya...but we all are friends and that's what we do." Diana replied.

" Yeah a friend in need is a friend in deed. And besides there is no sorry and no thanks in friendship." George replied.

" Yeah you are right... But in the end I want to say that whatever happens today, It doesn't matter now. If I become a council member or not it really doesn't matter...."

" Hey... Niya. Stop it now. If it doesn't matters to matters to us. You're going to be a batch bearer or else we all would just ....choke principal out! All right let's  get in!" Adam said pushing all of us in.

Previously when we all came out from auditorium with a Shelby X Debrov Patch up...we all got to know that Shelby convinced George and Diana to help us. After all, Jessie is hated not only by me..!!

We all seated ourselves and the ceremony began a couple of minutes later.

" Good morning students...."The principal took the stage, " it's been a long legacy to take forward and today we all are going to see the new legacy holders of Modern High school. Today we are going to announce the new council. But before that those who do not get the opportunity of being the one..don't be disheartened, because a door closes for a new window to open."

Whole auditorium was silent . All the student and the teachers.

Nervousness covered the atmosphere.
The Principal began to speak again.

" I will start by announcing the discipline captain first....Adam Dan.."
Adam was so happy to hear his name. He got up and went on the stage. We all congratulated him.

The principal announced the other post too, editors, sports cap and then the event manager.

" Diana Ratty , George Jinkx....'

They both were happy to....and they went on the stage.

She announced the others too with digital manager and the group caps.

" The group captains now. Dia Shawn, Amanda Fred, Hyena Deaf, Vipro Mangs, Lenni Jatter, Adele Jest and Jessie Sent."

The students hooted on the name of Jessie. No one was happy to see her. But it gave me deep shock. She is not the one.

Damn...relived .

It doesn't matter I become the one or not...but she isn't also.


They all went on the stage.

" And now the post of heads... Any guesses? "

All the students shouted some names which were not audible.

" I will first go with the deputy....Shank Janer and Rafe Gutal."
Students hooted again but this time louder.

But who will be the head girl now?

They went on stage and were happy.

Why all trio of them are in the council?

God....this is not good.

" And now the last...the head girl. As this year we didn't find any suitable boy for the post of head boy so this year we are going to have only a head girl."

My heart was beating so fast that I almost lost a count of my own breath.
"The head girl  of Modern High school 2019 - 2020 is ......"

The principal was announcing .
A pin drop silence was in the whole auditorium to hear the name of the next legacy holder of MHS.

".... And the head girl is....Niya Lenner."

The war finished. The crown holder announced.

I was so happy that I forgot who was hugging me... probably my friends but never mind.

The unexpected happened!!

All students were happy to hear my name.

I got on the stage and saw the trio were unhappy to see me but I don't care now, I am the one , couldn't believe it came true!!!

The head girl.

Niya Lenner.

War Of The HeadsWhere stories live. Discover now