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"So...let's start the interview."

I was seating in-between the round table where all the present council students were seated.

Head girl, head boy, deputy head girl, deputy head boy, group captain and all of them were watching me as if I was a species of Mandarin.

" What post have you applied?"

" Head girl and group captain."

" Why not deputy ?"

" I...I think I don't see them actuall...."

" Do you think you don't see us? There is always 4 heads...." Deputy head girl slammed me.

" Okay...let her speak but Niya there is always 4 heads you need to change your perception" head girl said.

" Oh yes I will."

" Right....why do want to be in the school council?"

" Because I want to serve the school mad I have seen how the work is done in the campus and I want to remedify things which are not proper."

The atmosphere was uncomfortable and claustrophobic.

I want to get out.

"Hey , how was your interview?"

" Hey was...uh..nice."

" Yeah would be for what are you going to do in the 5 slot when they both meet?"

Oh!! I just forget about the meeting.
" Adam do you have air pods ?"

" No but I can arrange one pair if you want...why do you ask?"

" Cause I have a plan."

Lunch time.

" So listen to me carefully, this isn't risky but I have to do this."

" You wanna do what?" Deb asked.

" I want you to bring me Rafe phone and so we can do it!"

" Do what?" Nash snapped .

" He is going to meet Jessie in the canteen so we can record there conversation mad then use it."

" How are we going to do that with his phone?" Shelby questioned.

" Adam is bringing me air pods and we can do it...I know the process. You don't have to use your brain to much as you have less."

" Yeah she's right you have less!" Debrov teased her.

" Shut up Deb..else I am gonna fail your leg brakes."

We all ignored them.

" What if Shank is framing you .... You know he can do it to defame you again" Nikki said.

" Yeah don't worry he can't do it."

" Fine , what we have to do then ?"

War Of The HeadsWhere stories live. Discover now