Ch. 10 "Original"

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                                                                              Kylie POV


"Oh Kylie, sweetie come out come out where ever you are," Kylie's father said as he walked around with a rifle in his hands 

Kylie was hiding under a desk she was in an abandoned house resting when her father burst through the door,

"I know you're here, I have witnesses placing you in this area come out and I'll make you're death quick," He said 

Kylie was under a desk shaking holding her knees to her chest she could hear his boots thump on the weak wooden floors as he walked 

It sounded like he left but then, 

"Found you!" He said 

                                        End Nightmare 

I shot up awake covered in sweat, my breath ragged I looked around and soon realized this isn't the house I've been staying at, 

"you okay Tiny you look like you were having a crazy dream," Damon said pouring himself a drink 

I looked at him confused blinking a few times 

"Right, you don't remember see you ended up falling asleep on our way back last night so we just brought you here," Damon said 

"Oh, sorry about that," I mumbled 

"No problem," He said smiling 

I see Stefan walk down the stairs, I stretch my arms above my head yawning, 

"Hey, Kylie how did you sleep," Stefan said 

"Fine," I said smiling 

I pick up my shoes putting them on my feet tying them,

"Where you off too?" Damon said 

"Don't want to overstay my welcome," I said tying my shoe not looking up 

I hear a chuckle, 

I look up to see both Damon and Stefan standing there smiling,

"Did I say something funny?" I asked 

"Yeah, you overstay you're welcome please," Damon said 

"you sure are a strange kid," Damon said sitting next to me 

I just roll my eyes, then I see Rose walk in the room,

"Rose," I said smiling 

"Kylie, it's good to see you again," She said I nodded 

then Elena arrives I'm slouching on the couch listening to then debate and talk 

"Okay, you have to understand I only know what I've picked up over the years and I don't know what's true and what's not true, it's the problem with all this vampire crap but Klaus, I know he's real," Rose said 

"Who is he?" Elena asked 

"He's one of the originals, he's a legend," Damon said 

"From the first generation of vampires," Stefan said 

"Like Elijah?" I asked 

"No Elijah was the Easter bunny compared to Klaus he's a foot solider Klaus is the real deal," Rose said 

"Klaus is known to be the oldest," Stefan said 

"Okay so you're saying that the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?" Elena said 

"Yes," Rose said 

"No," Stefan said 

they both said it at the same time 

"What they're saying is I mean if what she's saying is true...." Damon said 

"Which it is," Rose said 

"And you're not saying it so I don't kill you" Damon said 

"Which I'm not," Rose said 

"Then we're looking at a solid maybe," Damon said 

"Look Elijah's dead right? so no one else even knows that you exist," Stefan said 

"Not that you know of," Me and Rose said at the same time 

"That's not helping," Damon said 

"Look I've never met anyone who's laid eyes on him I mean we're talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction we don't know if he's real for all we know he could just be some sort of stupid bed time story," Stefan said 

"He's real and he doesn't give up if he wants something he gets it if you're not afraid of Klaus then you're an idiot," Rose said 

"Alright we're shaking, you made your point," Damon said 

Elena gets up 

"Where are you going?" Stefan said 

"School, I'm late" Elena said 

"Let me grab my stuff I'll go with you," Stefan said 

"it's okay I know where it is," Elena said 

she leaves 

"She's in denial," Damon said 

"Shut up Damon," Stefan said leaving 

after everyone went who knows where I had some time to think about yesterday, 

Still how did Elijah know what I was? I mask my scent how did he know? I thought 

I was laying upside-down on the couch, 

It is curious I thought 

"Kylie!" I heard I fell off the couch

I look up and see Rose and Damon, 

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