Ch. 27 "The Sun Also Rises Part 3"

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                                                                    Third Person POV

Bonnie kept chanting with the power from the dead witches, Damon brought Elena to Stefan and pulled the stake out of his back trying to help him up,

Stefan stopped him, "I need you to get her out of here!" Stefan said 

"What about you?" Damon said 

Stefan looked over at Klaus "I'm not leaving until he's dead, Go!" Stefan said 

Damon grabbed Elena and rushed her out of the woods, Klaus continues to scream in pain lying against the rocks next to Kylie's unconscious form Elijah appeared in front of him as Bonnie stopped chanting,

"Elijah," Klaus mumbled in pain

"Hello, brother." Elijah spoke

Stefan got up and walks up behind Bonnie Elijah thrust his hand into Klaus' chest grabbing a hold of his heart,

"In the name of our family, Nicklaus..." Elijah twisted Klaus' heart

"I didn't bury them at sea!" Klaus rushed out his words Elijah paused 

"What?" Elijah said 

Klaus coughed, "Their bodies are safe, if you kill me, you'll never find them" Klaus said 

"Elijah! Don't listen to him," Stefan said 

He looked away before Klaus called him out, "Elijah, I can take you to them I give you my," Klaus said 

Elijah started to have second thoughts about killing his brother and looked to the witch and vampire 

Bonnie noticed his hesitation "Do it and I'll take you both out," Bonnie said 

"you'll die," Elijah said 

"I don't care," Bonnie said 

Elijah glances down at Klaus then at sweet little Kylie's body, the child he came to know and care so much for, he looked back at Stefan and Bonnie finally making up his mind

"I'm sorry," Elijah said 

Stefan and Bonnie ran toward them but before either of them can, Elijah grabs Kylie and takes off with her and Klaus,

"No!" They both yelled 

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