Ch. 16 "Break in"

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                                                             Kylie POV

Elijah stayed with me all night last night, I didn't sleep very much I get out of bed getting dressed, brush my teeth and hair, I walk down the stairs of the house to see a note on the counter,


there is a matter I must address, there is juice in the fridge and pancakes in the microwave, I will be back before sundown, please do try to stay out of trouble,


he made me pancakes? I thought I open the microwave there is a pile of pancakes with bananas on top, I set down the plate on the counter and pour some syrup on them opening the fridge and finding some orange juice, pouring some in a glass,

eating every single bite of the fluffy goodness, I've got to admit this is the best I've eaten since well lets just say in a long time, 

ever since Elijah found out I'm on my own, he compelled this house saying it's his, supplying it with food and other necessities, it is weird he knows what I am and still takes care of me, why? 

is it pity does he feel obligated? responsible? I just shrugged 

after I was done eating I washed the dishes putting them away, I made my way upstairs brushing my hair, then braiding it to the side,

as I was upstairs I heard a crash from downstairs I sniff the air,

Werewolves, I thought smirking 

alright I'll play, I thought 

I hide behind the bedroom door and listen,

"Find the kid, she's with them that makes her an enemy," I heard Jules voice 

Guess someone is a little sore from earlier i thought 

I see someone enter the bedroom, I smirk as they were looking in the closet bent over I jump on his back wrapping my forearm around his throat cutting off his oxygen, finally he goes limp,

I sneakily move to the hallway crouched down low and see a few werewolves, I go to the next room and do the same thing until it was Jules and another guy,

there is no way I sneak up on those two, I thought I go to the window in my bedroom, I can make the jump and make a run for it if I'm quick about it, I thought just as I was about to jump someone grabbed me from behind I elbowed them in the stomach,

making them back off of me, I turn around to see Jules and the guy,

"Oooh, she knows how to fight, I like it," He said 

I start to back up,

"You might as well surrender you're out numbered," Jules said 

"I've had worse odds," I said glaring at them 

I make a two finger salute and jump out the window landing on the ground in a crouching position I start to take off running until I'm tackled to the ground, 

"Get off of me!" I said as I struggled 

"Sorry sweetheart no can do," He said 

injecting a needle in my neck making everything go black,

                              Elijah POV

I come back to the house Kylie has been staying to find something disturbing, the house was a wreck like there had been some kind of struggle and it reeked of werewolves,

"Kylie..." I said

 hoping she was okay, but there was no answer,

I pull out my phone,

"Jonas, we have a problem," I said 


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