Ch. 47 "My Reasons"

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                                                                Kylie POV

"Well, i guess it's best we get back," Elijah said 

"Do we have to?" I said looking up at him 

"Yes, I know you're not very happy with Niklaus right now, he can be..." Elijah said 

"SelfCentered, selfish, a jerk an ass," I said 

"Language, Kylie" He said 

"But yes, he's still a working progress but hear him out," Elijah said 

"Maybe you're right hook gave him something to think about," He said 

I nodded, 

with that we made our way back to the house, 

We enter to see Klaus Rebekah and as Elijah explained to me Kol, 

"Kylie," Rebekah rushed up to me kneeling down to my level hugging me

"I've missed you doll," She said 

I couldn't remain my cold stone angry face with her, so I smirked,

"I've missed you too," I said 

Kol made his way to me holding out his hand, 

"Kol Mikaelson," He said 

"Kylie," I said 

"Kylie what?" Kol asked 

"Just Kylie," I said my eyes looking up at him 

"Well Kylie it's lovely to finally meet you," Kol said smiling at me as he shook my hand

"It's nice to meet you to," I said smiling at him 

"Kylie?" I looked at who called me, 

I see Klaus standing looking at me, 

"Can I talk to you," He said he could tell I was hesitant 

"Please.." He said 

I nodded and followed him, we were at a cliff side that had a view of a meadow as we watched the sun set, 

"Wow," I said 

"Beautiful isn't it,"Klaus said 

I nodded 

"I didn't even know this place was here," I said 

I could see in the corner of my eye his smirking, 

"Kylie, I know you are quite upset with me," He said 

"That's putting it lightly," I mumbled 

"Little wolf just hear me out," He said 

I nodded, 

"I only did what I did was because that is what I've done for centuries survived!" Klaus said 

"My Father made it his mission to make mine and my siblings lives hell, he thought I was a abomination,  hunting me he wanted me dead!" Klaus said 

"So yes I left you here because I thought you would be safer with the Salvatore's, Yes I thought it was the best way to keep you safe, and Yes I was scared!" Klaus said 

To tell you the truth I wasn't angry anymore, I know about all of those things, I've been hunted, tortured, I'm a survivor, I felt tears welling up in my eyes, 

"Everything I did was to keep you safe...." Klaus said 

"So get angry, never talk to me again, but at the end of the day I know I did what I had to do to keep you safe," Klaus said 

I felt the tears falling down my cheeks, I wasn't facing him so he couldn't see me, 

"But weather you know it or not I care about you Kylie and nothing is gonna change that," Klaus said 

I spun around 

and rushed him hugging him my head just comes above his hip, I cried, and I tried to talk, 

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean any of it, I was just so angry," I mumbled 

"I know little wolf," He said petting my hair

"I just thought you didn't want me around anymore," I said as I closed my eyes letting the tears fall, 

"Listen to me little wolf, I'm not gonna leave you like that again, I promise," He said 

I nodded 

"Come on little wolf it's getting late I'm sure you're tired," He said 

I nodded leaving with him, 


Little Kylie runs in the woods from her father chasing her after the accident with her mother, he chases her with a shot gun taking shots at her be keeps missing hitting a tree or dirt or something else, 

after losing her father hiding in a cramped cave crying sobbing holding the blanket that my mother made her, 

a few days later little Kylie was in the woods walking in the next town, she looked up to see a fell Red moon, 

next thing she feels excruciating pain fun through her body, making her fall to the ground she screamed in pain, she looked at her hand and the bones in her hand started bending and breaking, making her scream in agony next was her arm and elbow then the bones in her feet, each break more painful than the last, tears running down her cheeks, her throat hurting from the amount of screaming, her ribs broke like dominoes first one right to the last then the row on her left side, her vertebrae bending and breaking, her head felt as if someone was squeezing it like a grape, 

after all the pain, Kylie was a were coyote  but just a pup, 

then Kylie's father showed up out of know where

"You think you've escaped me?" He said smirking 

"Well you're wrong sweetheart, I'm coming for you and this time I'm gonna finish what I started!" He said pulling out a gun shooting me

                                                          End Dream

I gasped awake, checking myself making sure I was okay, 

I get out of bed holding my stuffed wolf, walking to Elijah's room, to see him asleep, 

"Elijah..." I whispered 

His eyes blinked open, 

"Kylie what's the matter?" He asked 

"Can I stay with you tonight?" I asked 

"Of course," He said moving over and I crawled in bed with him, 

laying my head on his chest as he petted my hair, feeling my eyelids slowly close 

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