Ch. 51 "Hallucinating"

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                                                            Kylie POV

It's been a few weeks but I find myself in an abandoned cabin in the Colorado woods, I had to stop and rest my deep cut still hasn't healed I've been seeing thing that aren't really there, like hallucinations I'm laying flat on my back my breathing was ragged and shallow, I feel like I can't stop sweating, 

"What's happening...?"  I thought 

"you're dying..." A voice said 

I look to my left, 

"Mom..." I said 

"Hello my beautiful blue," She said kneeling in front of me, 

"I've missed you so much," I said as tears welled up in my eyes, 

"I know sweetie, you've grown so fast," she said 

"I want you to know I'm so sorry for what I did to you," I said tears falling down my cheeks

"Sweetie, it was a accident it could have happened to anyone," She said her hand on my cheek, 

"But you died because of me," I said 

"No sweetie it could have happened to anyone I don't blame you what so ever," She said smiling at me 

"But.." I said 

"Shh, I came here to tell you, you need to trust the people around you, honey you need to stop running, enjoy being a kid," She said 

"But," I said 

"I know he's hunting you, but you can't keep running, or you're just gonna end up like you're friend Katherine, cold with trust issues," She said 

I nodded, 

"That's my good girl, I love you so much," She said 

"I love you to," I said 

I heard a noise and looked in that direction and went to look back and mommy but she was gone, I laid my head on the pillow tears rolling down my cheeks, my eyes slowly closed, 


"oh where oh where could my little blue be?"  Kylie's mother said as they were playing hide and seek

Kylie hid behind the well in the back yard of their house, 

"Got ya!" Kylie's mother said starting to tick three year old Kylie 

"Mommy stop it!!" She giggled 

"I have something for you my little blue," Kylie's mother said 

She put a golden locket it was heart shaped, with a picture of Kylie and her mother hugging and smiling of the front porch swing, 

"This way you will never forget how much I love you," Kylie's Mother said 

                                                End Dream

My eyes slowly flutter open, 

I lift my shirt and see the purple and black veins spreading, 

                             Klaus POV

"If this is Kylie's mother than that means..." I said 

I stared at the necklace then gripped it tightly in my fist, 

I should have known! her temper, the way the sparks fly when we are near each other, how could I have missed this! I thought

"Nik what is it?" Rebekah said 

"We have to find her now!" I said storming off, 

with that I took off to find the Daughter I didn't know I had, 

"Mind sharing with the class Nik," Kol said 

"Kylie, Is my daughter," I said sounding surprised myself

all my sibling looked dumbfounded, 

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