Ch. 28 "Sleep"

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Third Person POV

The moonlight shined down on the pathway, in the woods Elijah carried Kylie's small sleeping form carefully while following Klaus,

Klaus' wolf was killing people who were in the woods, he was truly happy with all of those kills,

Elijah set Kylie down agains a tree trunk and started walking at the massacre to clean Klaus' mess till her heard a groan He stopped dead in his tracks,

Kylie slowly lifted her head and squinted her eyes to adjust her sight,

"Elijah?" she said tiredly he turned around to face the child

"Kylie, you've woken up," He asked

Kylie looked around tiredly as Elijah realized what she was thinking,

"We're in the woods, following Klaus," Kylie nodded

suddenly a big black wolf came out from behind a bush, Kylie looked at it tiredly

"Do not worry, that is Klaus," Elijah spoke

Kylie was still under the effects of the elixir making her sluggish and loopy

she slowly stood up and walked towards the wolf kneeling in front of the wolf sticking her hand out in front of her once she reached his head the wolf allowing her Kylie ran her fingers through his fur,

Klaus must of liked it very much because she continued petting him without an issue,Elijah was amazed and shocked with the situation Kylie a little child not even scared of Klaus

"You're so cute!" Kylie cooed

Klaus growled not liking being called cute but she laughed Elijah shook his head and knew it was the effects kicking in,

Stretching out her arms Kylie yawned and sat on the floor, Klaus followed as she started to cuddle with the wolf her face buried into his fur,

while Kylie petted Klaus she whispered

"Will you keep me safe....." Kylie mumbled

Klaus turned his head licking her cheek,

"Goodnight...." Kylie mumbled as she fell asleep for the second time

Elijah started at the child, from what? Elijah wondered

Kylie POV


I hear animals running and walking

The sunlight beaming down on my closed eyes as I felt heat radiating off from beside me, I feel achey from not turning last night I need to wake up I thought

My eyelids slowly flutter open, tall trees in my view, birds flying by

I blink a few times, I turn on my side to be face to face with Klaus Naked!

I gasped standing up as fast as I could turning around covering my eyes like I'm playing pika boo, Oh man now I'm gonna have nightmares, I thought

I heard Klaus chuckled with amusement till it stopped when I hear something land near him,

I heard Klaus chuckled with amusement till it stopped when I hear something land near him,

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"You've been busy," I heard Elijah say

I turned to the sound of his voice and slowly lowered my hands from my eyes to see Elijah leaning against a tree, I ran to him engulfing him into a hug well kinda since I'm small I come just above his hip,

"Elijah!" I mumbled in his shirt he wrapped his arms around me as well

I kept hugging him the whole time till Klaus would change

"That was amazing, how long has it been?" Klaus said

I hear him changing into the clothes Elijah brought,

"Almost 2 days, full moon came and went you remained a wolf," Elijah said

I felt my heart starting to race since I didn't change my head felt ten times it's size and I feel like I've been beat up by the entire football team stuffed in a trunk of a car and rolled down a hill then hit by another truck,

"I'm gonna go over there so you guys can talk," i said to Elijah

I slowly walked for a bit and sat down against a tree looking up at the sky, my vision started to get blurry and doubled, I closed my eyes for a second, I was too lost in thought that I didn't realize someone picked me up,

"H-Hey put me down," I said trying to get out of Klaus' grip

Klaus kept on walking with Elijah behind

"Not a chance love," Klaus said

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