Ch.31 "The werewolf"

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                                                                  Kylie POV

I'm currently standing next to Stefan, 

"Kylie, you understand the plan right?" Stefan asked snapping me out of my thoughts I nodded 

I walked straight into the Bar, I don't think this is gonna work I'm a kid in a bar, 

"What's up Ray?" The bartender greeted a man 

The man replied, "Hey Red, get me a beer," He said 

I smirked "Found him" 

my sneakers squeaked on the floor as I approached the Bar, sitting beside Ray while ordering a Soda, my part of the plan was to distract him once Stefan was done compelling everyone in the bar, 

Ray glanced at me and smiled, "Now why is a cute little one like you doing in this dump of a bar?" He asked 

I shrugged "Just traveling around the world with a couple of friends finding new things to see," I said 

Next thing I know is Klaus came running up by my side, Rather quickly 

ever since we left Mystic Falls Klaus has been very protective of me, I'm not sure why, it's different but a good different, 

"Ray? Ray Sutton?" Klaus asked Ray's smile dropped and looked at us, 

"Who wants yo know?" Ray asked 

Klaus grinned happily, "I've been looking everywhere for you, we started in Florida, Pensacola I met a young Chap there who you used to work with before you moved to Memphis, now he directed me to two lovely young women and they led me here to you," Klaus said 

Ray had enough and tried to leave, "I think I'll be going" Ray said 

I grabbed Ray by the arm and pushed him back into his seat, you see I may be small but I'm strong, "Not so fast tough guy you just got here," I said 

Klaus grinned, "Now your type are very hard to come by," Klaus said 

Ray turned to the other way but Stefan blocked his path, 

"I wouldn't do that," Stefan said 

He pushed him back against the counter with the tree of us blocking every path, 

"Vampires," He whispered 

"But not you, what are you?" He said looking at me

Klaus glared at him, 

Klaus grabbed Ray's beer bottle, 

"You're swifty swift Ray! Yes my friend here is a vampire he compelled everybody in the bar so don't look to them for any help my beautiful child here who helped distract you to keep you here I however I'm something else a different kind of monster I've got some vampire, I've got some wolf," Klaus said 

"Y-you what?" Ray said 

"A hybrid, Ray I'm both you see I want to create more of me now you being the first werwolf that I've come across in many moon pun intended Ray heh I need you to direct me to your pack, so where can I find them Ray?" Klaus asked 

He shook his head, 

"you can't compel me it won't work," Ray said 

"Wrong answer"  Klaus said 

Stefan scratched his head Klaus looks at him and nods Stefan turns around and takes out the wolfsbane from his back pocket, 

I scrunch my nose from the smell, 

He speaks to the bar tender, 

Can you bring out the darts please? Tell you what Ray, we're gonna play a little drinking game something I like to call truth or wolfsbane," Stefan said 

Stefan pours  in in his hand and crushes it with his fingers, 

"Oh, this is gonna be fun" I thought 

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