Ch. 19 "The past"

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                                                       Kylie POV

I gasp awake because of the nightmares that plague my dreams, I see that Elijah is standing over me,

"Easy," Elijah said wiping my forehead with a wet cloth,

"what happened?" I asked in a raspy voice

"You lost too much blood, you have a fever," Elijah said 

"That happens sometimes, " I said sitting up 

But Elijah gently pushes me back down,

"Lay back down, you need rest your fever is quite high," He said 

"But..." I said looking up at him 

"Kylie, sleep" He said gently 

next thing I know my eyelids slowly flutter shut 

later I hear voices,

"How long has she been asleep?" I heard one voice say 

"I don't know? I went to Elijah's apartment to see if I could find anything on Klaus and I found her," Another voice said 

I felt something cold on my forehead,

"She's burning up," another voice said 

and I fell into unconsciousness again, what is happening to me? 


                                six year old

my wrists were restraint above my head by chains against a wall, blood dripping from my fresh wounds, I was growing weaker and weaker every minute,

the door slowly opens,

it reveals my father,

"Kylie, how are you today?" He said with a wicked smile

I just hung my head, I knew he hated me especially for what I was,

He gripped my face,

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He yelled 

"Why are you doing this...." I said weakly

"Because you did a very very bad thing, and you are nothing but an abomination!" he said 

"It was an accident..." I said 

"No it wasn't you did it because you are a monster!" He said pointing at me 

"And now before I kill you I'm gonna make you suffer first," He said smiling at me 

he had a hot poker that was sitting in a fire and pressed it against my skin,


"don't go passing out on me just yet were just getting started!" He said grinning

                                         End Nightmare

My eyes flash open as I gasped 

"Easy tiny, you're okay," Damon said sitting on the edge of the bed,

"Where am I? Where's Elijah?" I asked 

"at the boarding house, he went to follow up on a lead so he has us watching over you," Damon said 

I didn't buy it but I was too out of it to argue,

I sat up, 

"So how long was I asleep? I asked looking at him 

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