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"Thank you for visiting Alpha Epiales, we hope to see you again soon," the Alpha lied, holding onto his mate's waist as they stood rigidly beside one another, waiting for the carriage to leave.

Epiales nodded curtly and ordered the coachman to go to the next pack, which belonged to Alpha Lincoln. Lincoln only ever left his pack when he was forced to and his pack members seemed to have no connection to the rest of the world so it was no surprise that it took a long time for him to agree to let another Alpha on his land.

In a better mood than usual, Epiales decided to stop at a small coffeehouse at the end of a nearby street to go and buy himself a cup of coffee. He used to wake up early every morning as a young child to make coffee for his mother, knowing how much she loved it. He'd never actually tried it himself before and he couldn't push away the slight excitement in him as he neared the door.

Epiales sighed and tried to force himself to relax as he sipped on the bitter beverage, he couldn't comprehend why his had mother enjoyed it so much but then again his appetite was quite bland.

He didn't enjoy spending time in the human dominated towns, none of them knew how powerful he was so they didn't address him as Alpha, which he always demanded to be called, but they did cower away from his menacing 6'4 figure and emotionless face.

He had sat down at the very back corner of the small café and everyone around him had forced themselves into an awkward silence, which he revelled in. He leaned back and slowly sipped his coffee, taking in his surroundings. The coffeehouse had small paintings hung up on every wall, all of different animals and every table had a small plant placed right in the centre, on top of a little dish.

Growing bored, Epiales downed the rest of his coffee and headed back to his carriage, getting ready to make his way to Alpha Lincoln's pack. He decided then that if his mate wasn't there he would just appoint someone as Luna.


Amora growled in annoyance, she hadn't left her room once, not even to get food or water and she was so thirsty. There was a gathering happening in an hour for all the teenagers of the pack, granted she was almost 20 and was older than the majority of teens, she wanted to go anyway.

Mulling it over for another 10 minutes, Amora decided she would go. Alpha Lincoln can't control her, she was sick of living a life she did not enjoy.

She threw on a mid-length, dark red dress- quite rebellious and looked down upon but she didn't care, she just wanted to have a fun evening without being controlled.

She brushed through her dark brown locks and let them flow down her shoulders. She put on a small touch of red blush and painted on some red tinted lip salve to her lips before she slipped on some black heels.

She headed to the large barn, somewhere Alpha Lincoln never went, a bubbly feeling growing in her chest with every step. She wanted to feel free for just one night, she didn't want to worry about finding her mate or being punished by her Alpha if he found her gone.

The closer she approached the barn, the louder the music became, there were many talented musicians in her pack but they were never allowed to perform, but luckily their previous Alpha had built a music room for everyone. When he died everyone hid away the instruments to ensure they wouldn't be destroyed. They were only taken out on special occasions, like this.

She stepped into the barn, a large grin on her face, everyone was dancing happily and Amora wasted no time in joining in, swaying around freely in time with the music.

She didn't talk to anyone, she never had the time, everyone was always cooped up in their rooms, going to school or doing chores but she didn't mind, she was only here to have a good time.

Alpha EpialesWhere stories live. Discover now