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Amora shifted around in her bed, it was comfortable, much more comfortable than her bed back at Lincoln's pack but she couldn't fall asleep. She was scared. She didn't know how to be Luna, she'd never even met a Luna before. Every Luna in her pack either died or ran away, but it was no surprise when Lincoln's mate ran away from him before the pack even met her.

She tossed and turned, her brown hair becoming tangled and knotted. With a tired sigh, she stood up and searched for her hair brush. She always combed her hair when she was nervous, it calmed her down. The Alpha combed her hair for her when she was a young girl, she remembers the brush so well. It had a silver handle, small leaves indented into the back and soft, white bristles on the front. He was always so gentle when he brushed her hair, he took his time in making sure her hair was as soft as could be. He always told her she reminded him of his daughter.

She gently combed through her locks, making sure every knot was taken care of and when her hair was silky smooth, she had grown more tired, but she still wasn't drowsy enough to fall asleep.

With an agitated sigh she stood up to go to the bathroom across the hall, slipping on her slippers, Amora quietly opened up her door just enough to slip out. She wasn't sure where she was going so she quietly opened up the first door she reached.

Softly nudging open the door just a crack to see if it was the bathroom, Amora had to hold in her gasp when she realised she had found Epiales room. She knew she should have shut the door and ran back to her room but she couldn't tear her eyes away from his sleeping figure. He looked so peaceful, just lying there, when he slept there was no trace of anger on his face, he looked content.

Amora stood in his doorway, in awe of him, but when he groaned and shifted to face the other way Amora realised how creepy she seemed. Scolding herself, she headed back to her room, suddenly very content and sleepy.

She crawled into her bed and snuggled into the covers and drifted off to sleep.

"Wake up, it's 7 in the morning, you start your duties today," an irritated voice called Amora out of her slumber.

"Wh-what?" an exhausted Amora whispered, stretching her arms in the air and then rubbing her eyes.

"Get dressed," Epiales muttered.

Amora picked out a simple outfit, nothing extravagant but nothing too casual. A tight fitted, deep blue dress that hugged her figure perfectly. It seemed appropriate and it was in her closet which was filled with dresses already picked out for her.

She combed through her hair and let it flow freely, not wanting to tie it up and slipped on some comfortable shoes, the dress covered them anyway.

"Luna! Your office is this way, breakfast has already been made for you, by the Alpha himself," Henry called from down the long hallway.

A hopeful smile made its way to her face, maybe her mate was just having a bad day yesterday and he really did want to start a relationship with her. Her heart pounded violently at the thought. 

She made her way to her office and her jaw-dropped. It was even bigger than her room back at her old pack.

"It's huge!" She exclaimed, spinning around to get a good look at everything.

"Yes, yes, but please Luna, we must get started," an agitated Henry stated.

"Yes, of course, I'm sorry."

With a satisfied nod, Henry began showing her how to identify which pack alliances she should consider and send to Epiales and which ones she shouldn't.

"-so you just read through it and if they seem genuine and not threatening and they offer something useful in return, you just sign here and at the end of the day send them to the Alpha."

Alpha EpialesWhere stories live. Discover now