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(A/N- I'm driving myself crazy planning the last few chapters of this story, I love having everything planned out in advance but I slightly changed the original ending but nothing seems good enough, but the ending is not for a while to come! I really hope you enjoy the chapter, I was super distracted while writing it so that's why this update took a while:))

One week later.

Epiales had spent all morning sneaking around Alessa. It was an easy task as she appeared to be avoiding him and carrying out plans of her own. Epiales didn't care what she was up to as long as it didn't involve him.

He could no longer trust his guards as Alessa had practically forced everyone to treat her as the new queen, despite not actually being crowned queen yet. He couldn't risk anyone telling her anything about Amora or his plans to find her.

"No! No!" Alessa screeched, making everyone around her wince, "I need the ice sculpture to the left, not the right! Goddess, can't you people do anything correctly?"

Epiales fought the urge to roll his eyes as he made his way to the garden. Winter was approaching them and he couldn't bear the thought of his mate outside alone in the cold, so he was working towards finding her more and more every day.

He sat down on the bench, staring out into the forest ahead. Each day the memory of her running into the trees and disappearing became more vivid.

Even the trees seemed to whisper the words, "I'm leaving you." She left him, but he wasn't leaving her. Not now, not ever.


"She's moving too fast, she won't ever settle in one place for more than a night, we need to do something," the man growled.

"We could trick her into going to the castle...once she is back there she won't leave, then we will always know where she is," someone else chimed in.

The man grinned, "yes, it's dangerous...but it just might work."


Epiales shifted into his wolf before taking off into the forest, Amora had no idea he was still searching for her in England, so he hoped that meant she wouldn't have been afraid to travel a little closer to the castle.

She was hiding well, she truly did not want to be found.

He ran for hours, he ran until his wolf grew tired and couldn't run any further. Reluctantly, he turned around and made his way back to the castle. The sky was growing darker and darker and he knew Alessa would be looking for him.

He shifted, pulling a coat around him, and rushed to his room, avoiding Alessa as much as he could. He went to get dressed when he saw a black suit on his bed with a small note on top.

'Wear this, I don't care where you were right now, but come downstairs. It is urgent.'

Epiales thought about ignoring her and hiding up here, safe from whatever she had planned but he decided against it as he could hear a lot of voices coming from below him.

He begrudgingly put on the suit and made his way down the stairs and came face to face with Alessa. She was dressed in a slim green dress with her hair tied up in a bun. She waved him over and Epiales ignored her, looking to see what all the noise was.

She walked up to him, grabbing his arm tightly, "I threw us a ball! Wait until you see the ballroom! I spent all day decorating it."

"You what?" Epiales shouted, before coughing as some guests turned their heads to stare at them. He dragged her into the kitchen where it was empty, "you threw a ball without my permission? Send everyone home this instant!"

Alpha EpialesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin