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September 19th. It was September 19th, Amora chanted in her head as she numbly stared at the clock as it struck midnight. In 8 hours her mate would be dead. She would not even soon follow him as he did not mark her, instead, she would spend every day for the rest of her life feeling the pain of his death.

The mark. A single mark could have saved his life. If only they had marked one another.  It was against the law to execute a marked wolf, as their companion would die soon after.

She lay there alone, the soft glow from the moon emitted onto her complexion, illuminating her skin. Nothing calmed the crashing waves of her mind, on the outside she appeared nothing more than tired, but on the inside, it was an ongoing battle, a bloodied mess lay within the resides of her mind.

A sob escaped her lips as her body curled into itself. She gripped onto the sheets of Epiales' bed as she inhaled his scent.

The door creaked open softly as Katana stepped in, holding a small mug filled with a steaming liquid.

"Amora, this will help you sleep, you need your rest, Luna. I know how difficult this is," she consoled, rushing to kneel in front of the weeping woman, gently combing her hands through her hair.

"Drink this,"  Katana assured, passing the mug to Amora who sobbed as she downed the lavender flavoured liquid.

Moments later Amora drifted off into a well-needed sleep and Katana stayed by her side for another hour, wiping away her tears and pulling the soft covers over her shivering body before gently closing the door behind her and returning to her bedroom.


Amora woke up to a burning sensation on her neck, it was a light burn but it hurt nonetheless.

She scrambled out of the bed and to the mirror, pushing her hair back to see the now raw skin.

"What is happening?" She whispered, feeling mortified.

Suddenly the burning felt like a searing fire was attacking her skin and she fell to the floor in pain, screaming out for Katana.

Many guards tried to rush to her aid but amongst her screams, she could hear Katana ordering them all to stay put.

Katana burst through the doors and rushed to her, helping her back up onto the bed. Her eyes lit up in alarm as she watched Amora grip her neck. She gently pushed Amora's hand out of the way to see the now blistering skin above her collarbone and she cursed, letting Amora grip the skin again.

"What is it? What is wrong with me?" Amora gasped out, sweat coating her skin as she writhes in pain.

"Epiales is marking someone else."

Amora stopped gasping, the air seemed to disappear from the room and the world stopped spinning.

"No, he would not do that. He would not do that to me!"

"I am so sorry Amora."

"NO! He loves me. He loves me, he told me so."

Katana forced the last of the lavender liquid down Amora's throat, consoling her as she screamed and wept, her neck now severely blistering, the skin peeling away.

Soon Amora's eyes rolled to the back of her head and she collapsed onto the bed.

Katana glanced at the clock, panic evident in her eyes. It was five am, Amora was due to be at the castle at eight am exactly, they had to leave now.

"Oh Goddess," Katana whispered, shooting up and rushing to Amora's room, shoving random items into a trunk for them both, before rushing downstairs to find a carriage.

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