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"Luna please let me escort you back to your room," William pleaded with Amora, watching her spin around the grand kitchen, grabbing every bottle of alcohol she could find.

"William, if you are going to ruin my mood I'd rather you left," Amora hummed, continuing to raid the cupboards.

He shook his head frantically, leaving Amora unaccompanied was not an option, he was under strict orders from Epiales to keep an eye on her.

"Well William, I got what I needed so I shall be returning to my room, you may go. Tell Epiales I sent you away and that I am going to rest for the night," Amora mumbled, holding the bottles in her arm as though she were carrying a baby.

"Luna, I think it would be best if-"

Amora pulled at the collar of his shirt, dragging him closer to her and whispering in his ear, "perhaps leave out the details of the alcohol."

William nodded in defeat, trudging behind her as she went to her room before knocking on Epiales' office door.

"Come in." William heard Epiales grumble.

"Alpha, the Luna requested I leave as she is going to rest for the night," William mumbled, looking down to avoid making eye-contact with the irritated man in front of him.

Epiales opened his mouth to speak but decided against it and nodded at William, signalling for him to go.

"God, this burns," Amora choked, downing another cup of whiskey, emptying her first bottle.

"He hates me, and I love him, what kind of pathetic unrequited love story is this?" She blubbered, opening another bottle, this time of a substance she hadn't heard of before, but she knew it was alcohol.

Before Amora knew it, she was drunk for the first time in her life. She sat on her bed, crossed-legged, crying over Epiales.

"He hates me," she repeated, throwing the bottle onto the bed beside her, the last drops of alcohol leaking out and staining her sheets along with her tears.

Suddenly she grew furious, "he doesn't love me! I don't need to stay here and take this abuse! I don't need to stay here!"

With a huff, Amora stood up and marched over to her door and then down the stairs, all the way to the front door of the packhouse.

"What an idiot," she growled, slamming the door behind her and stepping out into the cold.

"I am never coming back to this pack, never ever!" Amora walked towards the dense trees, wrapping her arms around her as the cold air swivelled across her skin.

Stumbling, Amora kept on walking, determined on reaching the pack border which she did not realize was miles away.

With the effects of alcohol, Amora could barely see straight and her hearing was a lot poorer, but even she could hear the screaming Alpha yelling her name from inside the packhouse.

"Amora! Where are you!?"

"Oh so now he cares? Charming." Amora rolled her eyes.

"Amora, I swear to God!" Amora heard Epiales shout, fury building in his voice.

Amora picked up her pace, trying to jog towards the forest line but the minute she started jogging she realized she was wearing short heels and tumbled to the ground.

Hearing the packhouse door slam, Amora started giggling uncontrollably to herself, clutching her stomach as the world spun around her.

"Oh my bloody God, Amora! What are you doing out in the freezing cold?" Epiales gasped, running over to her, "and on the ground! Are you hurt?"

Amora couldn't stop the laughter erupting from her, waiting for the dizziness to subside before she spoke, 'I was- am leaving."

"Leaving? You are the Luna of this pack, you cannot leave."

"Watch me Epiales!"

"Are you drunk?" Epiales asked, horrified.

"Psh! Absolutely not!" Amora exclaimed, pretending to be baffled.

"Fine, try get up on your own," Epiales smirked, taking a step back.

"No problemo, señor." Amora giggled, attempting to sit up.

The minute Amora raised her head she fell back, the world beginning to spin again.

"Alright, up we get," Epiales muttered, lifting Amora up from the ground and carrying her back inside.

Amora stayed silent, looking at her arm sway about as Epiales walked upstairs.

Expecting to be dumped in her bed and left for the night, Amora rose in Epiales' arms as they approached her room, but was shocked to see him walk straight into his own.

Epiales gently laid her on the bed, brushing the hair away from her face gently and sitting beside her.

"You know, we will not have any alcohol next month, the pack will be angry that you've drunk most of it," he laughed softly.

"I want to leave," Amora mumbled, closing her eyes.

A frown grew on Epiales' face as he listened to her.

'I don't want you to leave,' he thought.

"You are an idiot Mr. Alpha," Amora grumbled, opening one eye to stare at him.

"God, how much did you drink?" Epiales muttered.

"Not enough."

"You cannot leave Amora."

"Because your pack needs a Luna, I get it Epiales, please shut up," Amora mumbles, tears gathering in her eyes.

Slowly, the tears start to fall and Amora sniffles, hugging a pillow to her chest.

"I didn't mean it when I said I was done loving you," she sobs, clutching the pillow tighter.

"I know, your heart is too pure, I do not deserve to be loved by someone like you," he whispers, playing with the strands of her hair.

"I push you away in hopes of not caring for you, in order to completely devote myself and my life to my pack but...I fear my life already belongs to you Amora, and God I wish I could tell you this when you'd remember it the next day, but I cannot."

"Why are you doing this to me Epiales?" she questioned, her eyes bloodshot.

"Sleep Amora, I will come wake you in the morning," he muttered, standing up to leave.

"Please stay." Epiales heard her broken plea and could not force himself to walk out the door, so he turned around and climbed into the bed with her, ignoring the fact he was wearing a suit.

"You make me weak, which makes my pack weak," he whispered, staring at her content face as she snuggled into his chest.

Amora didn't hear him, and soon drifted off to sleep, engulfed by the warmth Epiales provided.

Soon after Amora fell asleep, Epiales found himself drifting off alongside her, holding onto her as though she'd disappear any moment.

"Alpha please no! Not the cellar again, no!" Amora shrieked, forcing Epiales out of his slumber.

"Amora, it's just a nightmare, please wake up." Epiales shook her softly, willing for her to open her eyes.

"I will do anything! Don't make me go down there! Please," she whimpered, turning around frantically.

"Wake up! Amora wake up," Epiales' voice rose, startling Amora out of her nightmare.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, I'll go," Amora rambled, scrambling out of the bed.

"No, stay, you're shaking," Epiales replied, pulling her arm gently and guiding her back beside him.

"You will never have to see Lincoln ever again," Epiales assured her, watching her close her eyes and trying to fall back asleep.

Amora nodded, her tears drying as she forced herself into another slumber.

Alpha EpialesWhere stories live. Discover now