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"Oh no, oh no, oh no," Amora mumbled, running towards the cottage.

She had no idea when Epiales had decided to expand the search, for all she knew he could be in Scotland already.

She pushes open the door and rushed inside and looked around frantically. She gripped her makeshift cloak and threw it over her head, tucking her hair away neatly.

She groaned as she looked down at her belongings, she couldn't carry them and shift at the same time.

"Okay, okay, think Amora, think," she whispered to herself. Her eyes lit up as she caught site of her basket. She quickly shoved everything in, wrapping it up tightly and quickly stripped off her clothes. She shifted into her wolf, gently picking up the basket handle and began to sprint through the forest.

She had to run to the edge of the forest between Scotland and England, she would hide in England until Epiales finally gave up his search and then she'd return to Scotland.


Epiales watched as his guards shifted into wolves and began their journey to Scotland before he made his way to his pack.

He approached his pack cautiously, anxious to see what it had become while he was away. Being so focused on finding his mate, he had been neglecting his duties as an Alpha as well as a king.

"Alpha!" A chorus of voices shouted as he shifted from his wolf, pulling a jacket over himself.

He nodded at everyone, waving and greeting them as William approached him.

Jealousy coursed through him as memories of William's hands on Amora passed through his mind. As William opened his mouth to greet him, Epiales cut him off, "let's talk in my office."

As they approached his office Epiales couldn't help but glance into Amora's office. It indistinctly smelled like her, it still reminded him of her. He couldn't help but feel anger towards William for using her office, even though he was only working.

He sighed as he sat down in his chair, it was the most relaxed he had felt in months but he was still on-edge.

"Alpha, these last few months have been very quiet, nothing out of the ordinary, all I've been doing is organising the imports-"

"William, where is she?" Epiales asked urgently.

"I'm sorry?"

"Do you know where she is, William? She trusts you. You have to tell me where she is."

"I'm sorry, Alpha, I have no idea."

Epiales stood up, his breath rugged and fast, approaching William aggressively. He pushed him up against the door.

"You know where she is, tell me!" He roared.

"I don't know, Alpha!" William retorted.

"You may address me as king."

William stared back at him, his eyes wide in fear.

"Fuck," Epiales cursed, slamming his fist into the wall as he exited the office.

'I'm leaving you.' The words echoed through his head, tormenting him every day. All he could think about was her, how he treated her. He couldn't go a day without being reminded of how cruel he was and the memories caused an aching in his chest that he'd never forget.

He stepped into her room, everything was exactly the way he remembered it. He went over and sat down on the edge of the bed, looking around. He turned around and Amora's copy of 'King Lear' caught his eye.

Alpha EpialesWhere stories live. Discover now