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As lunch came to an end, William looked over to Epiales, nodding at him with a smile. 

Epiales grabbed Amora's hand before standing up, making everyone's heads turn towards them.

" you all know Amora and I came to visit you all from the castle, we both missed the pack greatly. I wanted to come to say an official goodbye, at least as an Alpha. There are no words to describe how sorry and ashamed I am for the damage I have caused to this pack and everyone in it. I left you all without an Alpha, and Amora without a mate, to carry out a dangerous plan. I let my selfishness get in the way of my leadership and I will regret that until the day I die. Thankfully, William stepped up and took the responsibility when Amora came to join me as Queen. He has been a great member of this pack his whole life and there is no one better to take the responsibility as Alpha. I am sorry that I failed you all, but I hope that until my downfall I lead you well. I am officially stepping down as the Alpha of Silverlake pack."

Gasps echoed throughout the hall, and nervous chatter sparked amongst everyone. Epiales' heart ached, looking out at them. He spent his whole life here, in this pack, he knew everyone's names, he had led them into battle, he spent every holiday with them in the hall celebrating, he had spent his life with these people and he was now saying goodbye, but he knew it was for the best.

Amora cleared her throat, before speaking out to the crowd also, "Hi everyone, as you know I was only Luna here for a short time, but I enjoyed getting to know you all immensely. As modest as Epiales' speech was, he was and always will be an amazing Alpha, because despite his flawed plan, it worked, and he had you all in his thoughts throughout it. He cares about everyone one of you, as do I. As my mate has said, when we could no longer be here with you all, William truly stepped up. We are both extremely grateful and I know he will be a fantastic leader. I am officially stepping down as the Luna of Silverlake pack."

It was a bittersweet moment for everyone in the room, but regardless they celebrated the official gain of their new Alpha, as well as saying goodbye to Epiales and Amora.

"Thank you both, so much, never in my life did I think I would ever be an Alpha, I won't let either of you down, I promise," William smiled, "will you both be here for breakfast tomorrow?"

"We have no doubts in you William, congratulations," Amora said as she pulled him in for a tight hug, "one of the exciting things about being an Alpha is choosing who will be by your side, as Beta." She released the hug, nudging him on the shoulder, "does anyone come to mind?"

William looks to the left slightly, staring at Katana who was eagerly downing another glass of wine as she spoke with someone, "yeah...someone definitely comes to mind."

Amora turned to spot Katana and she grinned, "I couldn't think of anyone better."

Epiales wrapped his arm around her waist, "I think we will leave very early in the morning, so I'm afraid the last time we will be with the pack is at dinner, I need to sort some things at the castle."

William nodded in understanding, "I look forward to dinner then, I hear chatter about a farewell party."

"A party? How will anyone manage that in a few hours?"

"You'd be surprised, Amora."

She shook her head in disbelief as she laughed, "I can't wait to see how it turns out."

"I'll leave you two alone, enjoy your afternoon and I'll see you soon." William walked off to engage in conversation with the other pack members.

Epiales was about to head towards the stairs when Amora stopped him.

"I want to talk to Katana, just in-case I don't get the chance to tonight."

Epiales nodded with a soft smile on his face, "I'm just going to my room, I'll see you there soon?"

She nodded and he went up the stairs.

Amora headed straight for the room where they alcohol was kept, she had a feeling that's where Katana was.

"It's only two in the afternoon..." Amora leaned against the door with a smug smile painted on her lips.

Katana turned around, surprised, "in my defence, it tastes really good and some people are just such a bore, I can't socialise without it." She placed the wine bottle down and sat on the bench, patting the spot beside her.

Amora joined her, leaning her head on her shoulder.

"You're not here to give me a sappy goodbye speech are you? Because you know I'll be down at that damn castle as much as I can to annoy you. You can't get rid of me that easily."

"No...I just wanted to chat with you in case I don't see much of you tonight, you'll probably be downing bottles of wine by the pool before dinner is even over."

"So this is somewhat of a goodbye speech?" Katana inquired, reaching for the wine bottle.

"You could say that, but it won't be sappy don't worry."

"I'm opening this anyway," Katana grunted as she tried to get the cork out the bottle.

Amora stood up to reach for 2 wine glasses, sitting back down and Katana poured the red liquid into one of them and handed it back to her.

She sipped lightly on the liquid, while Katana drank it straight from the bottle.

"That's what the glass is for, you know."

"I'm just saving myself from having to wash an extra glass later."

Amora held in her laughs, "Katana, I just wanted to thank you."

"For what?"

"For taking care of me when Epiales wasn't here, you really helped me cope while he was a prisoner."

"I know what it feels like to lose your mate, even though Epiales wasn't dead, I knew you were still feeling something like I had felt. I just wanted you to have someone."

"I'm really sorry about your mate, I know it was a long time ago, but I- I just hope you're coping."

"It's hard, it's really hard, but it gets a little easier each day."

"If you asked him, I know William would have Alexander sent to another pack for you."

Katana's head turned abruptly to stare at her, "you really think so?"

Amora placed her hand over hers while nodding, "I do."

Katana smiled and looked down at the floor, she may finally be free of him.

"What was your mate's name?"

"Her name was Rose, you would have loved her Amora, she was the kindest soul I had ever met."

"I wish I had the chance to meet her."

"Me too," Katana trailed off as she looked out the small window in the room.

Amora sensed Katana didn't want to talk about her mate anymore so she quickly changed the subject, "William says the pack members are planning a party."

"That was actually my idea, I thought it was much better than a boring farewell dinner."

"I appreciate that, but you all don't have to go through the trouble."

"Everyone here loves you guys, we are all happy to do it, we want the chance to actually congratulate you on becoming king and queen... even saying it doesn't feel real."

"It doesn't feel real to me either, but that's probably because I spent most of my reigning hiding in the woods."

"I'm not going to lie, despite being incredibly worried when I found out, it was a badass move."

They both laughed, downing more wine and Katana filled up Amora's glass even more as they began to talk about something else.

Alpha EpialesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora