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"Alpha," Ofelia nodded, her eyes cast downwards.

"Ofelia, to what to I owe the pleasure?" Epiales remarked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"On behalf of the Royal Court, I am here to congratulate you on finding your Luna," Ofelia pauses, trying to stop her hands from shaking as she lowers her head when Epiales hums impatiently, "we-we are throwing you a ball, at the palace, for you and your mate."

Epiales sat upright, he wasn't expecting that. "When is this ball?"

"Tomorrow," Ofelia murmured, "Alpha," she added on frantically.

"Tomorrow? You are telling me that I have a day to prepare for a trip to the palace?" Epiales questioned, his voice high pitched with shock, "did no one think to come and inform me before now?"

"Yes Alpha, we-we did it is just that we-um no one actually wanted to come down to speak with you, you-you uphold a very intimating reputation." Ofelia crumbled under his gaze.

Epiales smirked, "very well, my mate and I will be there tomorrow."

Ofelia nodded and clambered over the seat to make her way out of the door, "is your Beta here to escort me? I-I don't know my way around Alpha."

"He is...occupied at the moment, I'm sure you will manage, or call for Amora, she shall see you out."

Ofelia wasted no more time and ran out of his office, his terrifying demeanour was choking her by just standing near him.

Amora, who was sitting silently in her office, just staring blankly at carefully worded alliances from nearby packs, witnesses the whole ordeal, with her enhanced hearing she heard almost every word that Ofelia and Epiales exchanged.

With a sigh, she raised from her seat and opened up her office door, "hello, you must be Ofelia, please, let me escort you out."

"Oh, thank you Luna," Ofelia mumbled, assuming Amora would be just as terrifying as her mate.

With a gentle tug on her arm, Amora led Ofelia downstairs and to the entrance of the pack house, "I guess I shall be seeing you tomorrow Ofelia, thank you for taking the time to come down here."

Trying to keep herself composed, Ofelia nodded, shocked at the hospitality that she was receiving for the first time at this pack, "Yes, I will see you tomorrow Luna, have a good afternoon."

Amora made her way back upstairs but headed straight to Epiales office, they hadn't spoken since yesterday and Amora, although still desperate to save their relationship, was still feeling hopeless. She didn't know what else to do.

"Epiales, you should organise for someone to look over the pack as we need to prepare to leave now, if we want to make it there by morning we must leave at midnight."

"Of course, would you please send for my lead warrior, William Novak," Epiales replied, not even looking at her as he busily signs papers left and right.

Amora sighed and shut the door behind her as she walks downstairs to the large training field placed in the centre of their pack lands.

"Good afternoon Luna! To what do we owe the pleasure?" A middle-aged man called from across the grassy field, jogging over to Amora.

"I am here for William Novak," she replied once he had made his way over to her.

"Of course, our top warrior," he smiled kindly, "William get over here!"

"I don't think we've met Luna, I am Robert Hans, retired warrior and now a trainer for the fighters of this pack," he says, sticking out his hand for her to shake.

Alpha EpialesWhere stories live. Discover now