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Amora, cross-legged on her bed, was sitting reading 'King Lear,' she heard that it was one of the few plays Epiales was fond of and she wanted an excuse to talk to him, even though she didn't really understand what it was about. A soft knock was heard on her door, thinking that it was a pack member she called them in, but she was surprised to see Epiales standing there, looking as emotionless as always, his hands clasped behind his back.

"Hello," she smiled, hoping she would have the chance to talk about the play.

"Hello, I need to talk with you about an important matter," Epiales muttered, inviting himself to sit on the edge of her bed, so close to the edge that Amora thought he'd fall off.

"Okay, I'll listen," she whispered, the nerves already catching her voice.

"I feel as though you have the right to know why I am not going to pursue a relationship due to our bond," he pauses, waiting for a reaction but when Amora looks away from him he continues on, "I am not the eldest of my siblings, I had a younger sister and an older brother, he was the Alpha of this pack."

"What happened?" Amora asked when Epiales fell silent, staring at the wall behind her in a daze.

He shook his head to regain his focus, "well the day he found out he was soon to be appointed Alpha he set out on a journey to find his mate, he spent exactly one year going from pack to pack without stopping once hoping he would find them but when the year came to an end he returned without his mate. He was depressed, my father became unsure if he was fit to be appointed Alpha but he persisted and my father gave in and appointed him as Alpha that week, he was a successful Alpha in his first 4 months but after that, he started to deteriorate, he couldn't keep up with all the work and he and the entire pack paid for it, we were attacked by another pack who wanted our land, my brother wasn't expecting anything like that to happen, he was so overloaded with other work that he hadn't been training soldiers or ensuring that the borderlines were safe and he was killed."

Amora reached out for his hand, to comfort him, but he pulled away, closing his eyes and sighing deeply, "my father had to quickly gather the soldiers and send them out to attack, but not having trained for months most of them were killed, it wasn't until my father killed the other Alpha that the wolves backed off, my sister and I were sent to the dungeons and were told to stay there until my father came to get us. My father soon passed and I was left to rebuild the pack from the ground up. I decided that day that I would find my Luna but it would strictly be business. There is no need for a personal relationship, it means nothing, the job of an Alpha and Luna is to lead a pack, nothing more."

Amora felt her heart crack in her chest, she gasped quietly in pain, gripping her chest.

"Mates are a gift from the Moon Goddess, she created mates so every wolf would have someone to love and cherish, please Epiales, you haven't even tried to get to know me, you can't expect us to spend our entire lives pretending we mean nothing to each other," Amora pleaded, her eyes filled with unshed tears, making her orbs glisten under the bright light.

"I don't have to pretend," he scowled, rising to his feet and walking towards the door.

"You will save yourself a lot of heartbreak if you get rid of that fantasy about mates of yours out of your head."

She forced herself not to cry, she wouldn't let him see her cry, he didn't deserve to know how much he affected her.

"Shut the door," she said simply, cracking her knuckles and throwing the play onto the floor. She wouldn't need it anymore.

His eyes glanced over the front cover, they briefly lit up before it faded away and he slammed the door shut, heading straight for his office.

Amora whimpered, the tears becoming almost impossible to fight off, her eyes burned and her lip quivered.

Alpha EpialesWhere stories live. Discover now