Return of the Night Light

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Dragons are definitely not gone, I actually saw one with my own eyes! Jim thought as he and Toby and Claire were biking home. What if the Hidden World extends so far under the world that there's actually a colony of dragons living in Arcadia? Maybe that's why dragons haven't been seen by trolls in centuries?

"Okay so what's your plan to win Spring Fling?" Toby asks, shaking Jim from his thoughts.

"Tobes, I can't really focus on that right now, especially after what happened earlier today!" Jim exclaims as he glances back at his friend. ". "Also...I've got a lot of other stuff on my mind than just Spring Fling too."

"Like what?" Claire asks as they pull over to the side of the road to let a car pass. "Something bugging you?"

Yeah, a fifteen foot long dragon straight out of that old storybook I liked to read is probably still lurking around my house. Or stranded somewhere out here in Arcadia.

"Uh...just something Blinky told me." Jim admits. "I asked him about that old storybook of dragons I had that mentioned trolls, and he said that trolls and dragons used to live in the old world, but we're at war with each other. And apparently they went extinct or missing."

"Wait, so that book was telling the truth? There really were dragons?" Toby asked excitedly. "Dude think of how cool it would be if you actually found one! You could ride it into battle and take Gunmar on with it!"

"That's the problem, trolls and dragons never got along. Apparently some dragons used to kill and eat trolls." Jim points out and Toby's grin drops.

"Ooh Boulder class? I mean that makes sense, trolls are made of rock and those dragons eat all kinds of rocks."

"So dragons used to exist, and even if there were some the trolls wouldn't like being around them?" Claire asks as they climb back onto their bikes to continue biking. "Toby is right, it would be cool if they existed and you could train one like in the books."

Oh they probably still exist. Jim thought as they peddled towards his house. One was sitting in my kitchen earlier this week.

It had been a few days since Jim last Night Light, and now he was wondering what had become of it. Was it still alive? Did it manage to get back to it's home somewhere under Trollmarket? Or was it stuck up here, wandering the forests and streets of Arcadia trying to find a way back into the hidden city of trolls? So far he hadn't heard Eli talking about finding any weird creatures lately, so that was a plus.

"You know I think you really have a chance to win this year Jimbo, a real good shot too!" Toby said as they parked their bikes outside the Lake house and hurried towards it. "You might even beat Steve too!"

"We'll see, I just don't know if I'm gonna lose all those contests the school holds to eliminate competitors." Jim said as he unlocked the front door of his home. The second he did, he heard a loud noise and felt something heavy slam into him. He heard Claire and Toby scream in alarm as he hit the floor and tried to push off whatever had tackled him.

"Oh my god Jim! It's a dragon!" He heard Claire yell. Jim opened one eye to see a familiar pair of bright blue eyes looking right back down at him and a gummy smile.

"You're still here?!" Jim managed to wheeze as the Night Light climbed off him. "Oh my back hurts now..."

"It's that Night Fury thing! Like from the book but with white spots!" Toby yelled as he and Claire ran forward. The dragon snarled, causing the two to stop in their tracks before Jim quickly sat up.

"No no, they're friendly! No killing!" He yelled as he scrambles to his feet and jumps to stand between his friends and the dragon. "Friends, they're my friends!"

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