Blinky And The Dragon

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"This is so strange, my own flesh is so soft!" Blinky said as he was examining his new features in the spoon he had grabbed from Jim's silverware drawer. "Really, how do you humans handle this?"

"I...I can't even explain." Jim says with a shrug as he plucked the spoon from his hand. He still could not believe this was happening to his mentor of all trolls, getting turned into a human and was now walking around in broad daylight and eating the things in his home. Notenrique had been inside the house with Draal when he brought Blinky in, and the changeling was still snickering gleefully and making fun of Blinky's new appearance.

"AHH! What is that thing?!"

Jim turned to where his trainer was looking and panicked when he saw Shadowflight enter the kitchen with something in his mouth, one of those rope toys with the big brightly colored tennis balls Toby had bought as his chew toy. The dragon looked up to see the two trolls and the new human staring at him and dropped his toy in surprise before jumping back to run back to the basement.

"I'm not the only one who saw a giant black and white reptile, right?" Draal asks. "Pretty sure I'm not drunk on that Dragon Blood I had earlier."

"Uh...oh how do I explain this." Jim groans as he hurries to the basement and throws open the door to see Shadowflight huddled in a ball at the top of the stairs. "Hey it's okay boy, they won't hurt you. It's alright, I'm here."

"Jim, you didn't answer my question!" He heard Blinky say from the living room.

"Okay but don't freak out, please! He's terrified enough already." Jim said as he carefully shut the door behind him as Blinky, Notenrique and Draal approached him. "That's Shadowflight, he's a Night Light I found and that I'm taking care of. And he won't eat you guys, he actually likes chicken and meatloaf."

"That...that's gotta be the weirdest lookin' dragon I've ever seen." Notenrique comments from atop Draal's shoulder. "Never seen anythin' like that. You sure it's a dragon and not some weird salamander mutation you found?"

"No he's not, and he can hear you." Jim says with a frown that was followed by a loud growling from behind the basement door. "See? Now be nice to him, or I'll let Claire feed you to him."


"That's impossible, dragons haven't been seen above ground in centuries!" Blinky exclaims. "Even when they disappeared into that undersea cavern a lot of trolls believed they went extinct!"

"Well, he's proof that all dragons did not go extinct." Jim states as he places himself in front of the basement floor. "And I'm keeping him, so there is no way you are going to get me to get rid of him."

"Dragons and trolls don't get along, how do you think Vendel and the rest of Trollmarket are going to handle seeing you walk around with that thing?" Draal asks with a frown and gestures to the door. "And how do we know it won't try to kill us?"

"My book says his species only eats fish and animal meat, so you're all safe unless you happen to be a fish or meatloaf." Jim retorts and folds his arms over his chest. "And he has a name, it's Shadowflight."

"Hmm, you know considering your upcoming battle with Gunmar once we find the other two stones, perhaps your reptile friend could be of some help?" Blinky suggests. "Like us, Gunmar probably also fears dragons and is unaware that they still exist so that could be of some use to us. And anyone who your old changeling teacher tries to send after us will not know what hit them! Oh we better tell Aaarrggh about this! Don't want him panicking at the sight of that dragon."

Jim glances behind him to see Shadowflight peeking out at them through the crack of the door, still slightly terrified of the large stone creatures and the new human behind him. Jim made his way to the door and carefully opened it, causing the dragon to shrink back in fear until he steps into the basement and carefully closes the door behind him, leaving enough to shine some light into the dark basement.

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