Escape From The Darklands

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A/N: Alright no more asking when I'm going to update the next chapter, it's not really helpful, makes me feel stressed and does not even ease my writers block at all. The next comment I get asking when I'm updating will be ignored and deleted immediately.

If this sounds too extreme, too bad. I have stated in my bio that I have a life outside of writing and can't always be updating. While I do appreciate comments, I am not a fan of comments repeatedly asking when I am going to update any of my stories, some days I don't feel motivated enough to shake the writers block off with certain books and I'm often lucky to actually be able to write more than a few snippets for any chapters


Ever since Jim disappeared into the Darklands, Shadowflight hadn't even bothered to leave his spot under the bridge. He'd pace the room all day, pawing at the floor occasionally as if he thought Jim was trapped under stone and he could get him out if he scratched hard enough. Draal or Blinky would try to lure him outside to at least eat, but even promises of his favorite food would not even get the sad dragon to leave the safe except to use the bathroom.

"This is just sad, he looks like a dog waiting for his owner to come back from a long trip they'll never return from!" Toby exclaims as he threw another tennis ball at the Fury, only for it to bounce off his head and not get any kind of reaction. "And it really hurts to watch!"

"He's sad Toby, he really misses Jim like we do." Claire says as she walks over to the dragon and kneels down next to him. Shadowflight gave a small warble and lifted his head to place it on her lap as she gently scratched him between the ears in a soothing manner. "Don't worry, Jim will be back soon."

"I hope so, I don't know how long I can keep up the act with his mom." Toby groans as he hurries over to pick up the tennis ball. "I think she's starting to get suspicious, but I can't tell yet."

Shadowflight gave a sad croon and looks up at Claire sadly. He didn't like seeing his humans looking sad like this, or the trolls. Their normally happy behavior had disappeared along with Jim, and back before the disappearance of his human he was the one to often try and cheer them up with some funny antics or give them one of his toys so he could play with them. Maybe he should probably try cheering them up again, make them at least smile a bit more so Jim won't have to come back to a sad group of friends.

He immediately gets to his feet and walks over to Toby before gently prying the ball from his hands and walks over to the entrance of the vault. He gives a little roar and tossed the ball at the human, hoping he'd pick up on what he was trying to do. A smile came to Toby's lips as he picks up the ball and tossed it to Shadowflight, who immediately slaps it back to him with his tail. He hears Claire laugh as the two begin tossing and smacking the ball back and forth to each other before it sailed over Shadowflight's head and hit the stairs before bouncing down. The dragon gave an annoyed huff before scurrying off after the ball, startling some of the trolls who were walking past before he managed to get his paws on the toy before it got kicked away. Satisfied, Shadowflight picks it up and walks back to Toby and Claire, who were waiting for him at the bottom of the steps of the vault.

"Thanks for trying to cheer us up buddy, we really needed that." Toby says as Shadowflight drops the tennis ball back into his hands and gives him a scratch under his chin in his favorite spot.

"We're gonna head to Blinky and see how he's doing, wanna come?" Claire asks. "Unless you wanna head back into the vault and sulk for a bit longer."

The Night Light gave another huff and nudged her in the direction of the library. He was already getting sick of the musty smell of the vault (and he probably was starting to smell like it too now), so maybe staying out of it for a few days would at least help. Plus, he needed to go cheer Blinky up right now, out of all of them the six-eyed troll really needed it.

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