From the View of A Dragon

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Humans. Never in his life did Shadowflight think he'd ever see a human. To the dragons, they were practically the thing of myths. Tiny two legged creatures with no scales, wings, talons or tails of any kind, with funny colored fur growing on the top of their tiny heads and dressed in weird skins to cover their bodies and squawked funny. It had been centuries since his great great something grandfather had the dragons had any contact with humans, and he was the first of his generation to find one. He remembered his mother, Moondancer, telling him and his siblings stories of times when humans and dragons lived together above ground and in peace. How his ancestor, a Night Fury alpha, befriended a small human male and together they became legends among both their races- at least until they had to separate and live away from each other.

The idea that he was the first dragon since the first brood of Night Lights to see humans, and by the ancient dragons scales these little creatures were strange. His new human, Jim, lived in a strange looking wooden structure with lights that glowed dimmer than the sun, but bright enough to give enough light to lighten the room if it grew dark. There was a strange metal box in what Jim called "the kitchen" that was always cold and filled with strange foods that he was often not allowed to eat. There was a little underground nest Jim had him stay in during the day with a giant hole in the wall that let him come and go from the place without being seen by other humans.

Since his first night in the strange wooden structure, Shadowflight was sure he and Jim were going to get along quite well, much like their ancestors. Sure the poor human screamed and babbled incoherent things he didn't understand when he did something Jim deemed as "bad" (such as eating weird smelling food he probably wasn't supposed to eat or tried eating this glowy object it carried everywhere), but other than that they seemed to get along quite well since the night Jim's residence became his own home.

And he quite liked the other two humans that accompanied his new friend, the ones Jim called Toby and Claire. Toby, the chubby human male with funny things in his mouth, slipped him tasty snacks like these dark brown things and pieces of tasty tasting meat Claire, the small female with the funny streak of blue fur that stood out on her head from the rest of the dark fur, seemed to know the right places to scratch and make Shadowflight melt in a puddle of scales. These two humans, aside from Jim, were officially his favorites. What were the other humans he would hear outside like? Did they like to play fetch with the toys Toby would bring him to play with? Did they like giving good dragons like him tasty food like Jim?

There this one other human that came and went from the place Jim would call "mom", but she was never allowed to see him, nor was he allowed to be near her. Why, he'll never know. But Jim would panic every time he'd hear her coming and shove Shadowflight the underground cave and he wouldn't come back until later with some food and apologies. This "mom" did sound like a nice human, laughing and talking to Jim and making him laugh too.

And this strange name he was given, he actually quite liked it better than the name his mother had given him, it suited him better. All his siblings got beautiful or good sounding names like Orca, Hailsmasher, Startoucher, while he had been stuck with such a boring name like Starfoot (as if his mother ran out of good names for him). At least Shadowflight sounded better, like a real dragon's name.

Sometimes at night when he was allowed to sleep upstairs with Jim in what was probably his nest, a large pile of nice smelling "blankets" until the sun came up and he had to hide in the underground cave to hide from "mom" until she left. Some nights though, Shadowflight would hear Jim tossing and turning, muttering and sometimes even crying in his sleep. The first night this happened, Shadowflight immediately got up from his nest of blankets and ran to gently nudge the human awake. Poor Jim was sweating and panting hard as if he had been running from a pack of SPeed Stingers, before flopping back onto his own bedding and trying to catch his breath.

"It's just a dumb nightmare, he can't hurt me or any of us." Jim would assure the dragon when he would croon in concern. "He's gone for good." Whoever this was that Jim was talking about, Shadowflight wished he knew. And whoever this was must have done something bad to the poor human in the past. If he had been with Jim earlier at that time he would have torn apart whoever it was who hurt his human friend.

We're just like Toothless and his human, a human and a dragon keeping their friendship a secret from the other humans. Shadowflight thought to himself one night after one of Jim's "nightmares", when he pulled the human into his nest of blankets to let him sleep with him. I just hope no one tries to tear us apart, like those bad humans in mother's stories. I don't ever want to leave my friend.

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