To And From The Darklands

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Shadowflight could hardly contain his excitement as the group returned with a bunch of items, including a large cauldron. They were finally going to bring AAARRRGGH!! back, and that apparently was going to help them get to Jim. Toby and Claire were looking very grossed out at the items they were carrying and he walked over to sniff them, suddenly hissing and backing away when he smelled something foul.

"What's up with him?" Claire asks in confusion as the dragon runs back the statue of AAARRRGGH!! to hide behind it.

"Probably the eel." Draal responds as he nods at the eel body Toby had in his armload of ingredients. "Back in the old days when dragons used to live aboveground and were clashing with trolls on the surface, trolls who dared venture into dragon territory would eat a bowl of eels and slather mushed bits of them on their bodies to keep them away. For some reason dragons hate eels."

"Oh! Jim's book mentioned dragons hated eels, I forgot about that." Toby says and looks at the eel corpse in disgust. "I can see why though, creepy and gross. Shadowflight your fear of eels is completely acceptable. And don't worry, we'll just get rid of it in a few minutes, I swear it will help us get Jim back."

"Stand guard at the entrance, Vendel is not too happy about us stealing his staff." Blinky instructs Draal as they get close to the statue and set the cauldron down. "Shadowflight you are welcome to stand guard with him or watch us mix this together."

Shadowflight looks at Draal before looking at Toby and Claire. He really didn't want to be anywhere near that eel, so...guarding the entrance with Draal will do for now. He walks off with the larger troll before laying down on the ground next to him and looking to the entrance. He hears the sound of items being put into the cauldron, before hearing a loud cry from Toby, followed by something exploding and Claire yelling "it's working!". He turns to see AAARRGGH!! being enveloped by sparkly blue mist before it suddenly vanished. A few moments passed, but nothing happened. Did the thing not work?

Did the weird troll human lie to them about how to bring him back? Shadowflight wonders as he sits up and turns to face the entrance of the Forge. Maybe I should have gone with them to get the ingredients, but -

"AAARRGGH!" He hears Claire cry out and turns to see their friend, now no longer a stone statue. Shadowflight gives a happy roar that was cut off when the Krubera suddenly gave a loud roar.

"He's gone mad!" Draal exclaims as they quickly rush over to their friend, who was now on a rampage. AAARRGGH roared angrily and swung his fist to send the cauldron flying, which hit Draal right in the face and knocked him over.

"Calm yourself!" Blinky yells as the bigger troll begins to run around, smashing his head into the walls and knocking everyone over. "He's disoriented! Quiet him before he alerts all of Trollmarket!"

Shadowflight launched himself into the air and leaps right onto AAARRGGH as he rushes towards Toby, digging his talons into his fur and stone skin before clamping his teeth down on one of his horns. The Krubera roared and tried to shake him off, causing the dragon to clamp down harder on the horns and dig his talons more tightly.

"It's me! Your wingman!" Toby yells in hopes of calming his friend down. The seemed to work for a bit, letting Shadowflight relax his grip. Big mistake.

AAARRGGH roared again and flung the dragon off. Shadowflight fell painfully to the floor, disoriented and worried that Toby was going to get killed when he heard the roaring suddenly stop. He looks up to find his friend now calm and being hugged by Toby. he gets up and hurries over with the others, now happy to see him back. AAARRGGH looks at him apologetically and Shadowflight responds with a lick to his hand.

"Where's JIm?" He asks looking to them.

"He uh...went to the Darklands, so that no one else would get hurt." Claire explains and earns a gasp from the troll.

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