Chapter 10

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I got out of bed without having any sleep at all. There was too much on my mind. Too much I couldn't stop thinking about. Why did that lab have all of our names inside of their files? How did they know that stuff about us? I decided to get up and go get some coffee.

Nobody else was up yet so I made my way to the beach where I watched the sunrise. I seen the beautiful pinks yellows and oranges cascade across the sky until they disappeared. I finally decided to head back to the house.

As soon as I opened the back door an amazing smell wafted my nose. I followed it into the kitchen where I seen Susie making some waffles everyone else was still asleep.

"So this is what you do in the morning while everyone is sleeping." I asked and she seemed to jump a little before turning around. She smiled and gave a little nod towards the table before placing a plate in front of me then sitting across from me with a plate of her own. We ate in silence until heavy footsteps headed towards us. I had no idea who it was until they walked through the door. Miami and Zack looked exhausted.

"Morning. There's coffee on the warmer and Susie made breakfast." I said pointing to each item as I said them.

"Mm. Waffles and bacon." Zack said heading for the food Miami just silently grabbed a cup of coffee and sat at the table. We all sat in silence for a little while just enjoying the peace.

"Soo... uhm. What were in your guys' files?" I questioned. I needed to know more. I needed to know what the connection was but they just looked at each other and ignored the question. Slowly everyone started waking up and getting breakfast and coffee. Nobody wanted to talk about what they had seen. I don't blame them though I mean I really didn't wanna talk about it either. Azura was the last to get up and we had all decided to watch movies all day.

Not even an hour after Azura woke up we heard the screeching of tires. I quickly got off the couch and darted towards the window. My face fell once I seen who was outside. Four black SUVs were parked right out front and I quickly turned to Zack.

"Turn off the lights." I stated. "Azura go into the back room and grab our weapons." "Zack Miami Susie go out the back door your gonna go around the house and ambush them." Everyone played their parts and followed my instructions perfectly. Not long after the door was busted open and everyone inside was sitting in the living room casually.

"You know you could've just knocked and I would've opened the door." Turbo said nobody moved off of the couch.

"Breaking down the door just seemed more fun." One of the men stated.

"So why exactly are you here?" I asked sounding bored.

"Oh you know, kill you and your team." The same man stated.

"Hmm. I didn't put that on my schedule but I guess I can write you in." I finished pausing the movie and getting up. "Well you heard them team they want a fight. Let's give them one they won't forget." With that everyone got off the couch and we all made our way over to the many people who had just busted in our door. Nobody wanted to make the first move.

Miami Susie and Zack blocked them off from the door and we fought them. It took many punches and kicks and we even used our powers but finally we won. They had left and all of us were still here safe. Although we are probably gonna need to find a new hideout but we can plan that another day.

~Unknowns POV~

"Did you get it?" His loud annoyed voice rang through my ears.

"Yes sir. We fought hard and lost but we got what you sent us to get." I stated holding out the beautiful stone.

"Aha! Yes! The cosmic Crystal!" He screamed I knew giving him this meant a lot of fun. And I was ready for it. Let the fun begin..

~Samuels POV~

"I have someplace I need to be." I said.

"Yes sir. Did you want someone to come with you?" The man asked.

"No. I'm fine." I finished turning to my favorite servant. "Rex I'm leaving you In charge. If anything happens call me." I stated pointing to the guy that had almost taken out my brother.

"Yes sir." His deep voice replied. Finally I was off to see the one person who saved me from myself and made me who I am today.

~1 hour later~

"Hello Samuel. How are you?" Her sickly sweet voice asked.

"Fine. I just came to tell you I know that Derek is alive." I stated walking towards her.

"Oh." Was all she replied with.

"I'm going after him." I said annoyed.

"Yippee! We can go after him together." She clapped. This huge grin had found its way to her face. She really could be malicious when she wanted to be.

"No. I'm going after him alone mother." I watched as the grin dropped from her face.

"Why?" She asked obviously angered.

"Because I'm going to kill him. Then I'm going to come back here and kill you." I finished and watched as the fear washed over her beautiful features. I will give my mother one thing she has always been beautiful no matter what she's been through. The only thing that changed was her aura once dad was killed she became more... violent.

"How do you expect to "kill him"?" She mocked the last part with air quotes. I rolled my eyes and pulled out the cosmic crystal.

"With this." I stated showing her the beautiful gem in my hand. He eyes widened and she looked from me to the crystal.

"How did you get that?" She asked slowly backing away from me.

"That's not important." I finished smirking my signature evil smirk. "Remember how I said I was going to kill you when I got back?"

"Yeah." She stated frantically looking around for an exit.

"Well I lied." I finished before shoving the crystal into her chest and sucking out her soul. The crystal shined beautiful arrays of blues and purples and once it was finished I watched my mother's lifeless body fall to the ground.

"Now nobody can stop me."

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