Chapter 11

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~Mr.Yoshi POV~

I ran down the stairs because I heard some commotion. I stopped to see a young brunette girl that looked like she was in danger then I heard the screeching of the tires and I knew exactly what was happening she had to get out of here.. they all had to get out of here.

"Go I'll take care of this." I stated but all of them just stared at me. "GO! GET HER TO SAFETY IVE GOT THIS!" Was all it took and I watched them run towards the backdoor as my old friend came down the stairs.

"Hiro what's going on?" My old friend John asked.

"They're onto the kids. They've found Miami and followed her here. She lead them to the other kids. We need to stall as long as possible." I stated walking towards the door and watching as the men came towards the door.

"Gentlemen. Hello. How can we help you this fine day?" John asked as he opened the door revealing a man with a scar on his face.


I heard a gun go off and turned to see John had been shot. "We're here for the girl. Where is she?" The man asked pointing his gun towards me.

"Uhm what girl? We have a lot of girls in and out of this house all the time." I finished the man smirked before starting to walk away that's when I realized he hadn't just shot a regular bullet it was a bomb. One that only went off once connected to the blood stream. I tried to stop it but I couldn't get it out in time the next thing I knew everything was black and my ears were ringing.

Soon enough I felt my body submerge in what felt like water. After that all my senses were gone and I drifted off to a peaceful sleep. I hope the kids got away. I'm so sorry I couldn't help you old friend rest in piece.

~Chris POV~

I was leaving Samuels when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see what looked like a lump of potatoes or something. The guys must've forgot to put it in the kitchen, but when I got closer something crazy happened. I seen a body. It wasn't just A BODY though. It was THE body. His body. Mr.Yoshis body. I looked around to see if anyone was looking and once I knew it was safe I went towards him and tried to shake him awake, but he wouldn't wake up.

I slowly reached under his arms and dragged him towards my car making sure nobody seen me. Once safely secured in my car I took off towards the one place I knew he'd be safe. It was another 2 hours before we arrived at the one place he needed to be. I got out and dashed to the door before knocking. Once the door opened I saw him standing there smiling.

"Hey Chris you got more information for us?" Derek asked.

"Sure do. But I also got something even better." I pointed towards the front seat of my car and watched as his eyes bulged out of his head.

"Is that—"

"Yes it is. I need help getting him inside." I didn't even have to ask him twice he was already headed towards the passenger seat. Once he reached the door he opened it roughly and grabbed Mr.Yoshi from the front seat and we started to carry him inside. Everyone was in the living room and once they saw that we had Mr.Yoshi they started to swarm around us in a series of questions.

"What happened to him?"

"Why was he gone so long?"

"Is he ok?"

"Will he wake up?"

"Is that Mr.Yoshi?" Everyone's questions were starting to give me a headache, mostly because I didn't have the answers to any of it. I didn't know what happened or if he was gonna wake up. I don't know where he's been or if he's gonna be ok. How do I answer their questions if I don't know the answers myself. We will just have to wait for him to wake up.. IF he wakes up.

~Derek's POV~

It had been a couple of days and still nothing on Mr.Yoshi. Azura was with him 24/7 using her healing powers to try and help him. The rest of us did anything we could to try and help him to wake up, but nothing. Maybe he wasn't going to wake up. Just when I thought all hope was lost I heard a scream.

"What was that?" I asked looking to everyone who was in the kitchen.

"I don't know." Turbo stated continuing to peel the potatoes.

"WHERES MIAMI?!" Zack asked frantically. His obsession was really starting to get weird.

"Bathroom?" I asked shrugging off the question. As soon as the words left my mouth the door swung open and in came a very shocked Miami.

"What's wrong? What happened? Are you okay? Here sit down." Zack said ushering Miami to a seat. She didn't take her wide eyes off of me though. Until she spoke.

"He's awake." She pointed out the kitchen door. That's all she needed to say for me to drop the noodles I was going to cook and dash out the kitchen towards the bedroom where Mr.Yoshi was. Once I got into the room I came face to face with a very confused Mr.Yoshi.

"Ah. Derek. What happened? Is everyone here?" I just shook my head yes at him before giving him a big hug. I really had missed him. I would never admit that though.

"What do you remember?" I asked.

"There was an explosion. Then I woke up here. That's all I remember. Nothing else. What happened?" He said prying me off of him.

"Well. We were ambushed at your friends house and then the house blew up. We thought you died." I finished watching as everyone else started to pile into the bedroom.

"Ah. I see. So who is this?" He asked pointing towards Zack.

"That's Zack Miami's cousin. He's one of us." I stated smiling towards Zack. Today really had been an amazing day. I'm so glad Mr.Yoshi was finally back after a week of not having him here. We had no idea what to do without our master but now that he's back everything will get back to normal. Won't it?

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