Chapter 14

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Mr.Yoshi followed us out to training and he looked hesitant for a few moments before calling us over to him. "About what you guys said yesterday." He started referring to the coming war. "It's gonna be a tough war. An event similar to this took place a while ago, I had to fight my younger brother. I ended up killing him because he was just too far gone and when I did kill him he thanked me. You, Derek, are about to do something that not many people would be able to do. Are you sure you want to go through with it?" He asked sincerity in his eyes.

"Yes, master. For my friends and for the world I will do my duty to protect everyone." I said nodding. Miami had drifted off towards the house.

"Ok. Everyone is gonna start doubling up on training." He said before beginning to shoo us away.

"Aww man. I just started my second taco." Turbo complained.

"Turbo, this is for all of humanity. Do you want more tacos?" Me.Yoshi asked to which turbo nodded. "Then go, train your heart out."

"Taco boy." Marcus said under his breathe causing everyone to laugh.

"Someone needs to go get groceries." Mr.Yoshi added.

"That's all you Marcus since you never forget anything." Turbo said.

"No actually Zack and Susie will be the ones to go."

"SUSIE?!?!" I asked shocked.

"She never goes anywhere." Turbo added.

"Which is exactly why she needs to go. She needs to get reacquainted with the human world. We can't keep her locked away in this house forever." Mr.Yoshi said and honestly he was right.

"And why exactly is Zack going?" Marcus asked I could tell he was annoyed.

"Because his family is alive and he needs to find them." His family? What does he mean his family. What is going on? "Miami's parents are alive and Zack's parents know where they are so he needs to go and speak with his parents. Don't worry though Zack they're against the experimentation." Mr.Yoshi finished before walking off.

"I have to tell Miami." Zack said but was cut off by Mr.Yoshi.

"No you mustn't tell her."

"Why? She needs to know." Zack said.

"Because her parents know that if she knows that they're alive she won't be able to fulfill her destiny." Mr.Yoshi said.

"Fine. Then why are you sending me? I know I'm not grocery shopping, so what do you expect me to get?" Zack asked angry.

"The vile." Mr.Yoshi said.

"What vile?" Zack asked his eyes started to widen.

"THE vile. X-vile." Mr.Yoshi said and I watched as the fear that once only showed in Zack's eyes now filled his entire face.

"How do you expect me to get that? It's under lock and key." He stated.

"Your parents still work with the lab. Ask them for help." Mr. Yoshi said firmly.

"Fine but why is she coming?" Zack asked pointing to Susie.

"Because she's a savage." Mr.Yoshi smiled.

"I'm fine on my own." Zack was obviously annoyed.

"What are you gonna do is thousands of scientists attack you. Alone you aren't strong enough but together you two might just be enough. Now go." And with that Mr.Yoshi went back inside.

~Zacks POV~

We just arrived a few blocks away from the lab and we were met by my parents. I texted them ahead of time and told them where to meet me. After explaining what was going on my parents looked sort of.. off. Finally they replied.

"It's gonna be dangerous but I can get you in. I can't do anything else though because if I get caught I will be killed." My dad said.

"I'll get you passed the guards." My mom spoke.

"We need a distraction so we can get to the door and I can scan my key card." My dad says.

"Susie, this is where you come in." I smiled at her and she nodded before running off.

"What the hell!! Isn't she supposed to go with you? What is she doing? She's gonna get herself killed." My dad said.

"Just trust us we know what we're doing." As soon as I said that five animals came into view; a rhino, an elephant, a tiger, a lion, and a bear. They started to rampage and distract the guards enough for us to get towards the door. Once my dad scanned his key card he gave me a quick hug.

"I got you in now your mother will take it from here. Be safe and good luck." He said.

"Alright come on kids follow me and act casual." My mom coolly replied. As we were walking we came across a door and mom stopped. She looked around quickly before scanning her key card but before we could go a man stepped in front of us.

"Your not going anywhere traitor." He said looking at my mom.

"Go I've got this." She said.

"Are you sure because I can handle this guy." I said crossing my arms.

"I'm fine go." She smiled and we started to rush past him.

"Where do you think your going brats!" He yelled. My mom took the opportunity of his back being turned and karate chopped him. My mom is awesome.

"GO!" She yelled. "WE DONT HAVE MUCH TIME!" With that me and Susie ran into the room and grabbed the vile we were looking for.

As we were heading out we got thrown back by a huge blast. Finally getting our senses back we saw a crying little girl.

"Please help me get out of here. Please I'm sorry." She cried we looked at each other and and we knew what to do. We decided to take her with us but before we could comment. A giant spear was plunged through her.

"Did you think you would get away? Your not going anywhere." That same man that we fought before said. I knew we were in trouble. This was gonna be very difficult.

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