Chapter 16

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It started with a stare down wondering who was going to make the first move. Needless to say he did or one of his minions I should say and that's how it started. We didn't know if we were gonna make it or not we just knew we had to try our best because if we lost the whole world would end.

~Third Person POV~

Both sides good and evil fought long and hard but only one could come out the victor of this war. After many punches and kicks along with powers. The victor finally stood and it was in that moment we knew the world was....

The sight was horrendous bodies lay still on the now cold tiled floor. Nobody dared speak of their loses. The silence was thick and dangerous. If you see just the end result you would've thought there was just some type of house fire. Blood spewed across walls and furniture, limbs were thrown from one side of the room to the other and barely anybody was left standing.


~Derek's POV~

When Samuel barged in the door nobody was expecting it we thought we had more time. I was scared not for my own life but for the lives of those I've come to love, for my team. I didn't know if we would make it but I sure as heck was gonna try.

The first one to make a move was one of Samuels men, and so the battle began.

6 years after the battle:

    I walked to the most sacred place. The place where all my team members laid down to rest. The place where I said goodbye to everyone. As I arrived I paid my respects and watched all the younger generation of children coming and listening to me tell the story of my colleagues.

    When I had finished all the ten year olds stood up ready to take their leave but I stopped them.

"This is where great warriors lay. Now it's time for you to finish what they started." I finished staring off at my friends' graves. I shouldn't be the one who survived. I lost everything once and I had to lose it again.

I barely heard the kids when they yelled, "Goodbye Lady Susie!" And with that they were off.

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