Chapter Six

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There was a few moments of awkward silence that made her skin crawl and despite how she had no knowledge of how to speak to her mate, she feared upsetting him. She realized she was the dominant figure in the picture, being an Alpha, and he was waiting for her word. 

"Do you want time to say goodbye to your family?" She hesitantly asked.

Kian barely blinked, "No, its only my Nan and she already knows." 

"You don't have family?" Her eyebrows furrowed, she glanced at Fox and he shrugged. 

"My parents died when I was young," Kian's eyes fell to the floor, "My siblings have gone about their own lives." 

An orphan, she thought, and then she said, "If you wish to find your siblings, we can surely do that." 

He frowned, his soft features hardening, "I don't want to see them." 

She was reminded of herself, always on the defense and bearing an untold story. As much as she wanted to say something, she decided it was best to leave the matter. She knew what it was like to suffer in silence and she found herself wishing he didn't have to. 

"Okay, do want to come to Radburn or remain here?" She put the question out there, she wanted him to have a choice because it would be what she wanted. 

"I'll come with you." He answered, eyes briefly meeting hers before glancing elsewhere. 

"Is there anything you want to bring?" 

He nodded, "I'll go get my stuff." 

She didn't get a chance to say anything else because Kian turned around and left the living room in the blink of an eye. She felt her heart grow heavy, was he avoiding her already? 

"He's a good boy," Mick spoke up and she looked at him, "He might seem standoffish with you but he has to warm up to people. He's had a lot happen in his life and unfortunately, it hasn't been easy for him in this pack. They make fun of him and I've tried to stop it, but I can't be in every place at once." 

"Why do they make fun of him?" She asked. 

Mick sighed, "I think it would be best if he told you, he doesn't always tell everyone. Give him time, be gentle, and he'll become the most confident wolf. He's just different." 

She nodded, then sighed, "He doesn't act like he wants me." 

"Like I said, give him time," Mick chuckled a little, "He's unsure and cautious. You're an Alpha and he's an Omega." 

She had already known that about her mate. Sekhet picked up on his nature and habits the second he walked into the living room. It didn't bother her, she saw him no different than if he was of higher rank, she just didn't want him to submit to her without a second thought. From what she understood, mates were equal partners and she wouldn't mind if someone else challenged her decisions besides Fox. Sometimes she could make irrational moves, she was still learning. 

When Kian returned with his belongings, they wasted no time in loading the jeep. She noticed a violin case tucked out of sight beneath his suitcase and she could smell the scent of paint emitting from one of the cases. Thoughts wandered in her mind and she slid into the passenger seat. Fox gave her a stern look but she didn't move, she didn't feel comfortable enough to be in close quarters with Kian. She was still nervous. 

The silence always bothered her but it was worse when she couldn't stop fidgeting. She could see Kian's reflection in her window and she secretly watched him. He seemed forlorn and he barely even looked out the window. It made her feel worse, surely he knew that he didn't have to come to Radburn, she would have been fine with visiting Tallika. Sekhet was in agreement, sharing her concern for their mate. 

She hated the traditions of her kind and she was afraid that Kian was trying his hardest to adhere to those traditions. She found herself thinking that she wouldn't mind if Kian spoke his mind, she wanted to hear his voice, understand his thoughts. She wanted to try and make this mate thing work, it wasn't like she could just ignore it. 

It was a strong feeling in her gut that fluttered everytime she made eye contact with her mate. It was a wonderful surge of appeasement that made her feel like she couldn't live without him. It was funny how fast the mate bond had taken ahold of her mind and feelings. She remembered Fox explaining the feelings would intensify when they touched, their wolves would connect and it would lead to intimate matters. 

She wanted to take it slow. She wanted to fully understand her mysterious and very different mate. She wanted to know all the small details about him. Somehow, she came to realize that she wouldn't need to figure out this mate deal alone, the bond would guide her.  

It felt like an eternity before they finally arrived at her home. In the reflection of the window, she watched Kian become less sullen. He stared out the window and admired her home. Sekhet wanted to puff their chest and feel proud about their mate's approval but she quieted her wolf. She needed to think on her own. 

When the jeep drew to a stop, she opened the door and relished the fresh air. Fox helped Kian gather his things from the back of the jeep and she met them at the front corner. Kian gave her a quick glance over and his amber eyes glowed. 

"Welcome to my home." She said and led the way. 

The moment she opened the front door, there was a mass of fur. Six wolves squeezed through the door at once, nearly knocking her over, and they swarmed Kian. 

"Hey, hey!" She said, attempting to save Kian from the investigation underway, "Don't scare him off! Cross, down." She pointed, "Thane, no licking!" 

"Don't yell at my wolves!" Mikica yelled from somewhere in the house. 

She watched Kian's reaction to the swarm of wolves and she was surprised. At first, he seemed a little timid and kept his distance, but then after the initial attack, he began greeting each of the six wolves. He pat their heads, rubbed their backs, and they instantly seemed to like him. Even Cross was friendly and that was unusual. 

"I'm sorry about that," She said, moving into the house, "They get excited with newcomers." 

"Its fine," Kian followed her, "Do they have names?" 

She quickly pointed out the six wolves and said their names, "They belong to my cousin, she raised them." 

"That's impressive." 

Mikica walked into the main foyer and froze, "Woah, who is this?" 

She gestured, "This is Kian. Kian, this is Mikica, my cousin." 

"Hi, Kian," Mikica beamed then eyed the luggage, "Are you moving in?" 

There was a shift in Kian's expression and then he smiled, "I am." 

She almost gawked. He was incredibly handsome and his smile illuminated his features. She could stare all day and that was a thought that came directly from her wolf. Sekhet was communicating over their bond and it was distracting sometimes. 

Remi and Lee appeared around the corner, curious about all the excitement in the main foyer. There was a pause before Remi sent a knowing smile her way. He already knew. She offered a small shrug and then she cleared her throat. 

"Guys, I'd like you to meet my mate," She announced, "This is Kian." 

x   x   x   x   x   x

This was a long time coming, I had to get back into Reeve's story. 

I'm hoping to keep writing through the next two weeks. 

What do you dis/like so far?

[Not Edited]

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