Chapter Seven

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She watched Kian blend into her lifestyle. 

Over the past few days, the entire house was filled with excitement and laughter. Mikica was beyond elated to have someone new to chatter with and Lee seemed to enjoy the late afternoons they would spend on the porch overlooking her glorious home. 

She wasn't entirely sure how to handle the situation of having a mate. It was unknown to her and she didn't want to admit that it scared her just a little. She never really thought that she would care what anyone though of her, but that was different with Kian. She was different around him, she felt different. 

Their interactions had been short and sweet, she didn't mind. They were both adjusting and it seemed they respected each other spaces far more than anyone else. Fox was a patient mentor on the sidelines, she often sought advice from him, and Remi just wouldn't stop sending her goofy grins. Her brother seemed more excited about Kian than anyone else. 

Remi would make remarks with double meanings and although they made her uncomfortable, she thrived to see Kian's smile. Even from a little distance, she could feel something in her heart. She wasn't sure what to think of it. Sekhet had settled to give her time but it never stopped the inappropriate thoughts she received over the bond. 

She caught herself focusing on Kian more than anything else. She watched him every moment she could, studied his physique and noted his behavior. She slowly came to the realization that her feelings were growing attached to him. He made her day brighter, she felt content around him. 

She wanted to know him and she knew she couldn't do that from a distance. But, she didn't want to ruin how easily he was settling in. Kian would often spend the mornings helping Mikica or Fox cook and he would calmly diffuse the arguments between Mikica and Remi. Nobody seemed to be able to do that but him. Even General and Amigo seemed to already love Kian. There was just something about him that was extremely special but at the same time, she sensed there was more he wasn't saying. 

Everyone has their stories, their life journey, and sometimes they never speak of them because nobody will listen. She sensed hurt in Kian but she would have never guessed it from his soft features and genuine heart. If she would have been asked to imagine her mate, it would have never been someone like Kian. She expected her mate to be hard and full of scars, like she was, though that thought just seemed wrong. 

Kian seemed like the exact opposite from her. Heck, she was an Alpha and he was an Omega. They couldn't get anymore different in their nature. However, as much as she studied him, she caught him paying attention to her, too. He would sneak a glance her way more often than none. She would smile sometimes. They were testing the waters in their own ways, and they did it more alike than they thought. 

She sighed, taking another sip of her coffee. 

She had just gotten back from a border patrol disturbance. Although Kian seemed like the ultimate distraction, she still had to attend to her duties. She was beginning to morph back into her everyday routine after a few days off. She got up in the morning to go for a run and she spent a fair amount of time doing paperwork with Fox. Though, she knew she wanted it different. 

She wanted Kian by her side. 

"Nothing too serious out there?" Fox asked, sitting beside her. 

She shook her head, "No, just a simple rogue. It seemed lost." 

"Did you kill it?" 


"Good." Fox hummed. 

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