Chapter Nineteen

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"Let's go, people!" Mikica screamed, voice echoing through the house. 

"Chill out!" Remi hollered back, "The snow only just began melting!" 

"We're not leaving until this afternoon!" Kian yelled. 

She groaned, resting her head against the back of the couch. She listened to their voices echo through out every inch of the house as they yelled from completely different rooms at each other. Maybe in the beginning Kian had been excellent at calming situations between Mikica and Remi, but now he seemed to be joining their antics. More often than none, she caught Kian arguing with them. 

For some reason, she had a hunch it was because he was becoming more comfortable with himself. First, he learned to accept his wolf and live with his colorblindness, and now he was discovering himself. She could only imagine how limited he was with only his Nan as support. On multiple occasions, Kian voiced his gratefulness for her and her family. He truly appreciated them and she would even dare say love. 

"Someone stole my sock!" Mikica wailed. 

"One of your wolves probably ate it!" Remi shot back. 

"They said they didn't!" Mikica snapped, "They said it was you," A pause, "And you also stole my favorite sweatshirt! I knew it!" 

"Liars!" Remi shouted.

"Yeah, well, I trust them over you! What else have you stolen?" 

"Nothing! Tell your wolves to stop ganging up on me." 


There was a second of silence, slamming doors and then Lee stormed into the kitchen with a groan. Lee grabbed a glass of water and took a drink.

"Aren't they annoying?" She chuckled. General and Amigo sighed at her feet, their expressions sour. 

Lee joined her on the couch, "I just want to duck tape their mouths sometimes." 

"Who's stopping you?" She turned her head to look at her sister-in-law.

Lee laughed, "I guess nobody." 

"I can't find my winter coat!" Mikica stomped into the main foyer. 

"You don't need it, you're a wolf now, remember?" Kian answered. 

"Oh, yeah." Mikica snickered and returned to finish packing. 

"Where did Fox end up?" Lee asked. 

She sighed, "He's apparently smarter than me, he's out for a run until its time to go." 

Lee grunted and took another sip of her water. They sat in silence for only a couple minutes before pounding feet erupted from the other side of the house. Those feet drew closer and with another roll of her eyes, she looked over the back of the couch to watch Mikica burst into the kitchen with Remi in hot pursuit. 

"Give it back!" Remi growled. 

Mikica leaped over a kitchen chair, "I found it first!" 

She and Lee watched the two of them race around the space of the house. Bickering as they ran and then they disappeared back into the hallways. Amigo sat up and then leaned against her leg, laying his head across her lap. She cooed, "I know, they could use a good bite, couldn't they?" She began rubbing his ears and he heaved a sigh. 

She almost jumped out of her skin when someone leaped over the back of the couch and landed beside her. Amigo moved out of the way, almost grumbling. She got whiplash from turning her head so quick only to discover Kian grinning at her. She placed a hand over her beating heart. 

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